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The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby mountain coward » Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:36 pm

Just reading Humble's 1933 Guide to Skye... he did the Loch Coruisk route and was warned about the 'bad step' but he said that the boatman told them a route only about 15 feet above the water which they took and said was fine. Obviously not the bad step as it's higher isn't it? They were also told you could go higher up the mountain and avoid all difficulties anyway.

Discuss... :D
mountain coward

Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby Caberfeidh » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:52 am

The "Bad Step" is not so very bad, just a bit of scrambling. It is the easiest way there, if you go higher up it is much more dangerous. The Bad Step is just about 15 feet above the water (when the tide is in). When the tide is out you could probably just wade around it. If you want to see Loch Coruisk without risking the step, go around Sgurr Na Stri and come down on the loch from above - you get better views that way. Or you could take the boat from Elgol for twenty quid. But that kind of defeats the purpose.
Bad Step.JPG
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Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby mountain coward » Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:39 pm

Can't see much in the way of hand and footholds... think I'd have to do the Sgurr na Stri route you've suggested...
mountain coward

Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby magicdin » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:21 pm

some more photos taken in july (from boat and at bad step)
easy to cross on raked ledges which you can see on photos
rock was bone dry and found it to be no problem (hardly had to use hands)
I was'nt carrying a pack however
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Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby mountain coward » Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:59 pm

Those are superb photos! Detail and quality wise! Thanks for those... still not sure about the step - strangely, on some of the photos I look and think 'piece of cake' - on others I'm not so sure... Guess I'll just have to see what I think when I get there (one day)...
mountain coward

Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby Tenbob » Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:38 pm

mountain coward wrote:strangely, on some of the photos I look and think 'piece of cake' - on others I'm not so sure...

Exactly what I thought MC.
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Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby colgregg » Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:11 pm

Alternatively watertight bag, strip off and swim round the obstruction!!! I did read in "Classic Walks" that one of the writers friends used to do just that.
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Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby mountain coward » Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:55 pm

That's a definite possibility!
mountain coward

Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby Caberfeidh » Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:08 am

You're getting all worked up over very little, but if this daunts you, should you really be going to such places? The ground around Loch Coruisk is very rough and broken up; if the Bad Step is too much, so is the rest of the area.
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Re: The 'Bad Step' above Loch Coruisk

Postby mountain coward » Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:02 am

Well I don't think I'm the only one - otherwise it wouldn't be called 'The Bad Step'! I'm fine on rough ground - just not anywhere where I'm in danger of falling down 15 feet onto rocks just under the water and where it doesn't look like there's that many handholds. Possibly when I get there and look at it I'll be fine but am just trying to get as much info as possible before I ever go there - will probably be years from now anyway!
mountain coward

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