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Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby poppiesrara » Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:35 pm

Hewitts included on this walk: Great Knoutberry Hill, Whernside

Date walked: 02/03/2012

Time taken: 4

Distance: 19.5 km

Ascent: 775m

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An easy walk up the trade route to the highest of the Dales, on a pleasant afternoon of mist and hazy sunshine.

Whernside.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

The track north-west from Ribblehead is clear and easily followed, but – largely over quite bleak and featureless moorland – perhaps not the most dramatic. A nice set of falls at the head of Force Gill and the very impressive Ribblehead Viaduct catch the eye, but otherwise the first two or three miles might please rail enthusiasts more than others... And, in the places where the path hasn’t been stoned or gravelled, the tread of thousands of feet in the same direction has rendered it quite sludgy and unpleasant - skirting it through the moorlands alongside is much to be preferred (as long as not too many others do it!). The route improves as it steepens up to and, hugging the drop to the east, along the surprisingly sharp ridge. Very hazy at the summit, and sadly no view even over the few miles to Ingleborough, let alone to the Lakes in the distance.
Whernside from Ribblehead

Ribblehead Viaduct

South down the valley below Whernside

Force Gill falls

Greensett Moss and tarn

From the south ridge, a heavily-worked stone-stepped path heads steeply down to the valley, from where it is easy, flat going across the farmlands back to the viaduct. From this angle, Whernside – occasionally caught by the sun – looked a much more enticing sight than when presenting a bleak façade to the north; overall, a satisfying enough route but perhaps nothing to argue that this shouldn’t be the least-visited of Yorkshire’s ‘Big Three’.
Rises on Whernside's south ridge lost in haze

Ingleborough from descent of Whernside

Whernside from near Broadrake

Heading back to Ribblehead Viaduct

Whernside from near Ribblehead

Just enough hours of daylight, and energy in the legs, left to tackle the short climb of isolated Great Knoutberry Hill, just to the north.

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The drive up to the pass might just be the hardest thing here. The green miners' track contouring the west flank of the hill above Dentdale is a lovely walk, and even the route by the fence to and from the summit – which I had expected to be rather a pathless slog – is well-trodden and (bar a couple of largely-avoidable bogs) easy enough going; indeed rather more pleasant underfoot than much of the ‘made’ path over Whernside earlier. Standing quite well apart from anything higher, it’s easy to imagine Great Knoutberry Hill as a terrific viewpoint over many of the Dales peaks around - even if the view to the south was lost in the setting sun today, even the lesser hills in other directions looked quite imposing. A quick ‘bag’ maybe, but a pretty enjoyable one.
Baugh Fell

Wild Boar Fell from near Green Bank

Aye Gill Pike from GK Hill ascent

Stone men on GK Hill with the shadows of Ingleborough and Whernside

The rather undistinguished summit...

Wold Fell from the countouring track
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby ChrisW » Sat Mar 03, 2012 6:42 pm

Great stuff P, wonderful memories of my home county :D (now I know everyone will know where my love of the low rolling hills comes from) :lol: I would agree that this should be the least visited of the big three and I'm sure the lower path would be much less trodden were it not for Ribblehead Viaduct....which I have to say is a stunning Victorian achievement :D
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby SusieThePensioner » Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:03 pm

A great couple of walks and some fantastic photos of those lovely views :thumbup:

Whernside is the only one of the "big 3" that I haven't done and, won't be able to do now I'm disabled :(
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby malky_c » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:07 pm

Nice day out - you seem to be rapidly working your way through the Dales.

Looks like some nice walking - I'd like to visit sometime but I doubt I'll ever go into bagging mode there (unless I end up living close by - something I'm not planning!)
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby colgregg » Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:12 pm

Knoutberry makes for a decent short walk. A trip to the tarns (Great and Little Widdale) adds a little extra And yes the views are good from the top. It was nice to see there was even a wind shelter of sorts on the top.
Widdale Great Tarn

Widdale Little Tarn with exclusive shooting butt.
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby poppiesrara » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:45 pm

Thanks, everyone.

Nice shots, Colgregg, of the 'good bit' I missed! - sadly you don't get much of a sight of the tarns from the short little route I took. Malky, I think 'bagging' the Dales will be a pretty slow process for me too - this was the first for a good few months, and several of those that are left look very like 'after-a-long-dry-spell-only' walks. There aren't many options for those rollercoaster 6 or 7 hill routes you can create in Wales or the Lakes either, so plenty of days out left...
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Re: Whernside, Great Knoutberry Hill

Postby colgregg » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:52 pm

poppiesrara wrote:Thanks, everyone.

Nice shots, Colgregg, of the 'good bit' I missed! - sadly you don't get much of a sight of the tarns from the short little route I took. Malky, I think 'bagging' the Dales will be a pretty slow process for me too - this was the first for a good few months, and several of those that are left look very like 'after-a-long-dry-spell-only' walks. There aren't many options for those rollercoaster 6 or 7 hill routes you can create in Wales or the Lakes either, so plenty of days out left...

Looking at what you have left in the dales it's probably a case of being able to link 2 or 3 together. There are still a few on well worn paths especially in the Howgills and around Mallerstang.
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