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Gear reviews - Midlayers

Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby Paul Webster » Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:54 am

Phil Turner wrote:In previous reviews we’ve looked at baselayers and waterproof jackets, so it’s time to look at the next item in the standard hillwalking layering system – midlayers. Generally taking the form of a light fleece pullover with a half-zip I find the combination of baselayer, microfleece and a windproof capable of dealing with most of my non-winter hillwalking.

Read Phil's full review of men's midlayers, or Helen's for the female versions - and let us know what you think.
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby tenohfive » Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:40 pm

Another good review.

I swear by the Craghoppers Corey fleeces - I've got about 4 in total. Comfortable, warm, light...I live in them. And they're usually on sale for between £12-15 - you really can't go wrong. I almost picked up a Spectrum the other day for £20, and decided against it as I couldn't justify spending money when I've got what I consider to be perfect fleeces.
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby Driftwood » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:58 pm

I'll add another vote for the Corey.

I'd picked one up for only a tenner at a discount store down here, earlier in the year, thinking that it looked OK and that you can't go far wrong at that price. I bought another cheap fleece at the same time, to cover my bets. Between them it's the Craighopper that I reach for, light to pack and carry but warm and good to wear. I've no doubt that there's better out there (especially after perusing the review, thanks), but not for anything like that price. So my eyes are peeled to stock up with a few more.
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby IanAEllis » Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:38 am

I have had varying fleeces, Patagonia R2, but I find that a good soft shell is better than any of these, especially as they are windproof, which is what is needed in Scotland
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby mrssanta » Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:43 pm

being a girl who feels the cold I like my home made fleece, ordinary fleece out of the local fabric shop, £8 worth of fabric and I have a very easy pattern pull on with a hood and a front pocket and no zips or fasteners of any kind. and I can make a hat out of the spare fabric :lol: . I have made them in all sizes and colours for the family, so no need to stick to standard pink or black. And I can make it nice and long with nice long sleeves for my excessively long arms. :D
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby Rudolph » Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:42 am

Did you try the fuera / paramo fleece combination in proper rain? I can't say i noticed the 'superb moisture management' of the paramo fleece under a Fuera myself. Was soaked through using the combination in a proper downpour and would have been much drier in my usual waterproof.

The paramo is very heavy as a 'just in case' bit of extra wormth as compared to a normal cheap fleece. That said it's great if weight is no issue.
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby nathan79 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:42 am

Nice varied review. The only bad thing I'll day is it made me look at and end up buying a new fleece!

I wore my softshell more than I did a fleece last year. But they're a handy thing to have. I almost went for a montane fury, i think they were down to £50 for last seasons one, but i ended up going for a marmot reactor hoody going for £30 from Blacks. I've wanted a hooded one for a while and that was to good to pass up.
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby Fudgie » Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:04 am

I bought a couple of midlayers in the mid 90's when the North Face used to have their sale in Port Glasgow and I still wear them on the hills to this day. As I stood on top of Criese on Sunday, the wind picked up and others were putting on jackets but my trusty midlayer kept the wind out :thumbup:
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Re: Gear reviews - Midlayers

Postby yogi » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:38 pm

I have had loads of fleeces over the years branded and non branded.

Currently have a couple of Coreys for knocking about, a couple of Spectrums and a North Face TKA.

The Coreys do fit well for a basic top and have a reasonable collar. I do find they tend to pill where as the others don't. The NorthFace is probably the warmest and biggest for a given size. The Spectrums win it for me overall in cut , warmth, resilience to wear.

I too have a soft shell which tends to to be a useful compromise these days as an all rounder, better wind resistance, water repellant to some degree but not perhaps so flexible as a mid layer itself.
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