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A night in the van allowed me to get up at first light and cycle along Glen Dessary to the point where the bike was stored for my return.
Video :
The cycle in was fantastic with low lying mist carpeting th efloor of Glen Dessary. The sun was shining and I struck off the main path that takes you to the Munros and headed on pathless ground for the ridge of Bidein a' Chabair. I was glad when I reach the ridge and with the weather being so fine , no navigational issues were encountered:)
After tackling the simple scramble to the summit I soaked in the views and decided it was too nice a day to head home so I took a direct route off the top to head for Corbett number two - Carn Mor. I wouldn't recommend the route I took unless you are happy negotiating rough , steep pathless ground! Dropping down to around 100m , the ascent up Carn Mor was - well - brutal!!! I eventually reached the summit rather knackered. However the day wasnt over and I still had to get back to the bike then the van! The pathless descent pack down was just as brutal as the ascent and I eventually made it back to the van as darkness was sweeping over the Glen !
Some photos :