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After seeing this hill many times from the Fyrish monument I decided to finally give this hill a good bash. Instead of going the Fyrish way I decided to park along the Boath road at the river and followed the steady incline all the way up the track from the road. I continued up the track for around 2 miles before it forked off the the right up onto a decent enough path up the face of the hill.
It wasn't long before the trig point came into view and I was able to fully take in my the view of the surrounding views across to the Novar wind farm with Wyvis looking rather mysterious beyond with its summit blanketed with the rolling dark clouds.
The wind at the top was rather chilly so I didn't spend too long at the summit. Standing at just over 5ft tall, the 4ft tall trig point was quite the task to launch myself up onto, to add to the challenge I had to get some mandatory trig point pictures in with my timer camera on my phone. Let's just say, 10 seconds is not long enough to launch myself up onto the trig point in time for the picture to be taken.
After the mandatory trip point pictures and my summit banana snack I descended the hill taking in the incredible views as I went. Going through the heather on the way back down wasn't the smartest of ideas but I made it back to the track safely only after a few stumbles.
Although the clouds above looked ready to empty themselves out, I was lucky enough to follow the track back down to my car just in time for the downpour. I must say, the views were incredible enough on a cloudy day so I must come back when the weather improves slightly and do this climb on a clear sky day to really see the summit views full potential.