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Today was going to be a "little" leg stretcher, the Monadhliath three munros.. A'Chailleach, Carn Sgulain and Carn Dearg.
The forecast was stunning for the early morning, so i made my way there nice and early. These are in my local tier area so not too far away either.
- Early morning
It was a nice easy walk in, through a couple of farmers fields then up the well built track, the opening to the monadhliath looked pretty majestic from my drone
- Drone
About a mile up the track it got pretty boggy, the track turns into an ATV track and then swings left over a small bridge.
- The Bridge
The bridge looks as if its buckling under my weight here
(Lockdown has been tough
From here it was basically pathless until I was at the bottom of Carn Dearg. Unfortunately the mist and cloud had came in a bit on the ascent up the "ramp" towards the summit.
- Carn Dearg
- The "Ramp"
I was pretty surprised how unfit I had become, struggling up the face towards Carn Dearg, having to stop every 5 minutes for a break.. definitely did not do enough exercise during lockdown!!
But eventually made it to the top of Carn Dearg.. Munro #42
- Summit
Still some cornices left
- Summit Cairn
Sadly the views were not the greatest as the cloud came in, I didn't hang around long as the wind was picking up and there wasn't alot of shelter up there.
I then made my way across to Carn Sgulain, I have to say this is a bit of a slog.. the ground is boggy, rocky and pretty much looks all the same.. I was expecting this (by reading Walkhighland reports
) But eventually made it across to the 2nd Munro of the day.
- Carn Sgulain
Munro #43 - The views of the Cairngorms were actually pretty good from here. The Munro itself is featureless and undistinguished as Walkhighland describes, but a nice easy one to tick off the list!
Finally made my way across to A'Chailleach, it looked pretty close from Carn Sgulain, but the route takes you down a gully (unavoidable), this added a little time to the walk as it was full of snow. By this point my legs were starting to ache a little, but I got a nice sheltered rest at the top of Munro #3.
- Summit of A'Chailleach
I quickly made my way down from here, where the ground got pretty boggy again, by this point I didn't really care as I knew all the ascent was done for the day! I explored a little metal shelter that was on the path on the way down:
- The Shelter
It looked pretty run down but interesting none the less. It was then a case of following the river back to the land rover track..
- The river Allt a'Chaorainn
I had attempted to cross the Allt a'Chaorainn river, with no success
I checked my map and it said there was a bridge further down, so I made my way down a bit further and lone behold a nearly brand new bridge
boy was I glad to see it..
- The Bridge
- Allt a'Chaorainn
This was a fantastic circuit, really enjoyed it. Even though the bit from Carn Dearg to Carn Sgulain is a bit of a slog, it was still just amazing to be on the Munros again. Will never take a day out for granted again!
Here is a video of the day out if you want to see it in full:
For anyone following my channel, Yes it is turning more and more into the Munro show
But I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoy doing them!
Cheers, James