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As I was driving through Girvan, I stopped at the Harbour for a couple of picture's.
Ailsa Craig, A volcanic plug of extinct volcano, where Blue Hone Granite is quarried for curling stone's

Nice one from the harbour looking towards the town and hill above Girvan

Bruce's stone car park, and the start of Merrick path. NX414803

looking back along path 10 minutes into walk.

Bothy, with Benyellary in the background

looking back at bothy as you enter the forest

view back from slopes of Benyellary after leaving the forest

there were several of these wire box shapes on the hill, any idea's as to what they are for?

Cairn on Benyellary, with Merrick in the background

Neive of the Spit, and the Merrick, from Benyellary

Merrick, Cairn and Trig

Loch Enoch

Benyellary from the slope of Merrick

view from slope of Benyellary heading home

Bothy as you near end of path in forest

view when you leave forest

Bruce's Stone

This is the second time in this car park, and like the last time, this Robin came to be fed, it is very tame, and eats from your hand