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....I've entered the 90's!!
There won't be much to say about the walk today; visibility was pretty much 20 metres of so for the whole walk, but not to worry; some days are like that

First up on the Beinn a Ghlo 3; Carn Liath...
A brief respite under the clouds just before the final ascent to Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain
Rocco posing...
Craigee ambling up Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain
Me on the summit of Braigh Coire Chruinn-bhalgain still smiling

The falsely sited trig point on Carn nan Gabhar, it's not place on the summit, but 150 metres or so to the south; don't be fooled

And the Angel of the North made an appearance!
The stats; legs felt heavy today at the start of the walk; they must need some recuperating after the weeks haul; nonetheless, completed the 22.6 km in under the 6 hour mark...
And that brings Q1 2011 to a close; a total of 29 munros, 3 Hewitts, 280 km, and 47,500 feet of ascent...

And the route...