by JamieMckelvie » Mon Jul 26, 2021 8:42 pm
Sub 2000' hills included on this walk: West Lomond
Date walked: 24/07/2021
Time taken: 2 hours
Distance: 8 km
Ascent: 503m
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I recently undertook this walk from Craigmead. We followed route as described. All went well on ascent to summit. I actually diverted onto the more direct route to summit near the top which was fine with plenty foot holes etc. The problems however begin on the decent.
Stage 5 of the route states "From the top take the clear path heading south which soon drops steeply onto a slightly eroded path". Unfortunately the path is more than slightly eroded, it is an accident waiting to happen. The path is very severely eroded with loose rocks and gravel moving swiftly beneath your feet. Any fall forward would result in severe injury due to the steepness of this descent. I had to resort on shuffling down on my backside mainly on the heather/grassy area where possible.
I have done countless other higher grades routes and have felt far safer on them all than on this descent. I have E mailed walkhighlands with more information.
If you do choose to decend this way folks, PLEASE be very careful.