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Cramalt Craig via Dun (not Donald) Law

Cramalt Craig via Dun (not Donald) Law

Postby Justdrums » Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:19 pm

Donalds included on this walk: Cramalt Craig

Date walked: 28/06/2021

Time taken: 4.5 hours

Distance: 10.5 km

Ascent: 657m

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Headed back to Megget reservoir and the Cramalt Burn track that T and I previously went up to get to Dollar Law in the mist and rain back in Nov'20 but this time it was clear and just me on my lonesome. Decided against revisiting Dollar Law and instead headed for Cramalt Craig.

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On the way up

Even saw a golden eagle sat by the side of the track on the way up. Thought it was a strange looking broken, burnt cut-off telegraph pole until I got too close and it decided to fly off. Tried desperately to get my phone out my rucksack to take a picture but failed miserably.
Somewhere in this is an eagle

At the the top of the track headed south west towards Dun Law. Very easy walking
Looking west from the top of Dun Law Culter Fell with Tinto peeking from behind.

Cramalt Criag from Dun Law

From Dun Law it's very straightforward to get to Cramalt Craig.
Tinto and Culter Fell from the top of Cramalt Craig

Broad Law from the top of Cramalt Criag

Rather than go back down the track, decided to try going down via Little Craig and White Head then pass the grouse buttes on the ATV track and then over Cramalt Burn.
On the way down via Little Craig, looking back towards the track by the Cramalt Burn that I came up by

Looking back up the ATV track I came down
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