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Glencoe: Sgorr na Ciche (Pap of Glencoe)

Glencoe: Sgorr na Ciche (Pap of Glencoe)

Postby jonathan - norfolk » Mon Aug 09, 2021 9:33 am

Fionas included on this walk: Pap of Glencoe

Date walked: 10/07/2021

Time taken: 3 hours

Distance: 7 km

Ascent: 730m

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Glencoe: Sgorr na Ciche (Pap of Glencoe 742m / 2430'

We set off from the large car park on the left about a km up the road as you leave Glencoe village. My O/S map indicated another car park further up but this has been closed now for some time. The path from here is initially well signed (to prevent further erosion) and there’s a good track all the way up to the col between the Pap and Sgorr nam Fiannaidh (the Munro at the NE end of the Aonach Eagach). It’s steep, and at first glance, slightly intimidating from here to the summit, but there’s a good path that picks its way through the steep craggy ground, eventually finding a way up round the back. It’s a really good summit with some excellent views. Although we’d had a good soaking on the way up, by the time we’d reached the top the rain had cleared and the sum came out.
We returned pretty much by the same route as we came up. Off the top to the north east towards Kinlochleven) for 50m or thereabouts before swinging round to the south and thence back to the col.
After crossing the burn by the little bridge there is a choice of tracks down to the road. The one which crosses the bridge and then immediately turns left is probably the most direct and the one that those ascending from the road are most likely to take, the other, that initially goes straight on follows a pleasant alternative and eventually meets up with the other path near the road.

Glencoe seen shortly after setting out

Retrospective from further up the path below the col

web_0070 Loch Linnhe.jpg
Loch Linnhe seen from the ascent route

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Summit cairn

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Pap summit: view towards Loch Linnhe

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Distance: 7 kms / 4.5 miles Height: 730m / 2357' Naismith: 2h 42m
jonathan - norfolk
Mountain Walker
Posts: 346
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Joined: Aug 3, 2013

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