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After the festivities we were all itching to get out - easier said than done. The weather forecast was less than favourable, unless you like rain, so the only weather window was Thursday morning. Tommy was keen to join us and pick off another 3 hills and keep up his fitness.
I suggested we utilise the 2 cars by not retracing our steps and descending off Bell Craig. Looking at various different maps the obvious problem is how to get across Moffat Water which runs between the hills and the main road. The only bridge is near Polmoodie Farm so that was to be our crossing point.
I arranged to meet Tommy at the car park at Grey Mares Tail, we then left his car near Polmoodie and then headed NE along the A708 to park near in a small layby near Birkhill.
The weather as you can see from the first photo was pretty grotty, not a problem really.
Full wet weather gear required = grotty
Here we go up into the higher cloud
Looking back - you can just about make out the couple of buildings near the road
Is Parminder enjoying himself?
Tommy calling in the blur that is his dog Max
I wish I could go that fast uphill
The way ahead, follow the fence
Cracking views, bit of a slog initially, long wet grass - welcome to the Borders
Don't get too excited, the first summit, Herman Law
Closer shot, views no better
Follow the leader
Almost a view
Look at that, views
The rest of the Ettrick Hills
Interesting couple of peat hags
First of 2 large cairns on Trowgrain Middle before we reach our next summit Andrewhinney Hill
Cloud was whizzing through
You can see where the stones for the cairn came from
Looking back
The next cairn on Mid Rig
Looking west across towards White Coomb and co
Similar photo half of it engulfed with cloud
Andrewhinney Hill cairn not as impressive as the previous ones
The way ahead to Bell Craig
Parminder being king of his castle
The way ahead
Max knows the way so follow him
The summit of Bell Craig - impressive?
Max sitting for his usual summit pose
Following an ATV track SW towards another Mid Rig
Our plan was to head SW and pick up a zig zag track that we spotted from the road, it had been created by the "lumberjacks". We should have known better than to venture into a de-forested area, having said that for me it made a routine day a bit more exciting.
We were kind of traversing across the hillside hoping to intercept the track. It was a good plan - that failed miserably
Just to prove we were traversing, great view SW towards Moffat
We still have over 300m of height to lose
Looking NE up towards Grey Mares Tail
Concentrating, descending slightly
SW again after losing a bit of height
Tommy leading the way and now the fun begins
Looks inviting
The easier bit
Now it gets interesting, rubber soled boots and wet wood = not a good safe descent
Trying to stick to the green stuff as much as possible, I think you can see the steepness
The bridge is way down there, look closely
Hands up if anyone finds the scarring of the hillsides attractive, I thought so. What a mess
Tommy still heading down
George and Parminder taking their time
A lowish level shot SW
Time to regroup, almost on level ground
George posing in front of a nice muddy puddle
Looking uphill, you can see the zig zag we saw from the road, a shame we never found it
Moffat Water, you can see why we wanted to utilise the bridge
Looking NE
The bridge
What should and could have been an easy day turned out to be a bit more challenging because of the descent. Admittedly wherever we had opted to descend it would have been steep and possibly easier and certainly quicker. Walking over flat deforested area is difficult, add in a steep slope and soggy underfoot conditions and that makes for very slow careful going.
It was great to catch up and hopefully we will be out this week again.