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Ben Vorlich via Loch Sloy – First solo Munro
I set off this morning arriving at Inveruglas at the back of 10. I parked in the Tourist Information/cafe car park, which is free on The banks of Loch Lomond.
- Setting off from the car park
I then set off towards Ben Vorlich at 1030. I walked along the footpath next to the A82 following the sign for Loch Sloy and hills. I passed the Sloy power station.
- Sloy Power Station
Soon I came to the access road leading up to Loch Sloy and passed through the locked gate. I followed this pathway. As this was my first solo Munro I had tried to do my homework so that I did not require the services of a rescue helicopter! I continued along this path and Ben Vane came into view. I thought it looked quite impressive.
- Ben Vane
A couple of things I learned from books and the internet is that there are several routes up and down Ben Vorlich ! I decided to go for the one where you head towards the dam for Loch Sloy, however on reading the reports it seemed the initial path towards Ben Vorlich is hard to find. I soon found out. I continued towards the dam searching for the pathway on the right but missed it. I was beginning to wonder if going solo was such a good idea.
- Loch Sloy dam coming into view
A couple of hundred yards short of the dam I just picked a spot and started heading up. The hill here was very steep and with the sun/heat was hard going.
- Steep start !!
Knowing that I missed the path I headed up diagonally to the right searching for the pathway. After about 40 minutes heading up I eventually found it.
Once on the path I just followed it upwards. I then got some nice vies of the dam and Loch Sloy. With the heat the upwards hike was draining although I was well prepared with my camel back and extra water bottles ( I finished them all !! ).
- Loch Sloy dam
After what seemed an age the steep path levelled off and the last section towards the summit and trig was quite easy going.
- Loch Sloy
I eventually reached the trig.
- Trig
After a well deserved rest at the top my views were obscured due to the haze.Although I could make out the Arrochar Alps.
- Arrochar Alps through the haze
I then made my way back down the steep pathway.
On this trip I met several other walkers. On speaking to them everyone of us seemed to of used different routes!! Getting back to my car I realised a couple of things. Firstly I was pleased with myself that I proved I could do a Munro on my own and secondly I think I prefer walking in the cold/snow. That heat was torture!!