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Hart Fell

Hart Fell

Postby Justdrums » Sat Jun 11, 2022 11:13 am

Corbetts included on this walk: Hart Fell

Donalds included on this walk: Hart Fell, Swatte Fell

Date walked: 06/06/2022

Time taken: 6 hours

Distance: 12.5 km

Ascent: 989m

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With T.
Did not feel like doing the whole horseshoe but actually did as much walking and ascent as would have done anyway. Met a couple at the top of Hart Fell, who had come up via Hart Fell Spa which I had not heard of. Looks like an interesting place so will have to have a look sometime.

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On the way up

A view of Hart Fell

Saddle Yoke

and again

Ridiculously dry on top of Swatte Fell

Swatte Fell - Where's the top?

Is this it?

On the way from Swatte Fell to Harte Fell

Saddle Yoke again.

From the top of Hart Fell looking back the way we came

Insta pic ?

Or this?

The End
Posts: 92
Munros:67   Corbetts:15
Fionas:17   Donalds:54+18
Sub 2000:23   
Joined: Feb 14, 2018

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