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2 munros and it’s 5 subsidiary tops form By Allt Ruadh bridge, east side of Glen Feshie. Hills(Sgòr Gaoith 1118m, Meall Dubhag 998m, Meall Buidhe 976m, Geal-charn 920m, Sgòran Dubh Mor 1111m, Càrn Ban Mor 1052m, Mullach Clach a' Bhlàir 1019m)
Start by heading to Geal-Charn then follow the ridge to south till Mullach Clach a’ Bhlair. All good track all the way up to the ridge then fine mountain path, very easy going. I made mistake again trying to take a short cut ended up longer on horrible terrains. Should just stick to WH route on the the good track and path, slightly longer but quicker. I never learn the lesson, trying to taking a chance of the terrian all the time as I couldn’t see untill I got there and too late to change mind.