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Newtonmore Three - an airy, easy wander

Newtonmore Three - an airy, easy wander

Postby Sspaterson » Tue Aug 16, 2022 3:07 pm

Route description: Monadh Liath Munros: Càrn Dearg, Càrn Sgulain & A' Chailleach

Munros included on this walk: A' Chailleach (Monadhliath), Càrn Dearg (Monadhliath), Càrn Sgulain

Date walked: 29/07/2022

Time taken: 9 hours

Distance: 24.5 km

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Pal was keen to do some hills before she heads off to Machu Piccu so these were still within easy driving distance of home. Left car park at around 0840 and headed up the obvious path. It's a slow, gradual gradient so pretty easy going, getting to the top of A'Chailleach just over 2 hours later.

Had a quick snack and watched a baby hare lollop towards us.

Baby hare

Looking back at A'Chailleach

Didn't hang around too long and headed off to the Carn Sgulain with not much down and up, getting there in about another 45 minutes.

Not the most exciting top - Carn Sgulain

I wouldn't like to walk these on a craggy day but today was great, and the flat featureless landscape was just an easy plod with great views. There are a line of fenceposts to navigate by for most of the way. Initially we'd wondered about doing Carn Dearg, perhaps leaving it for another day, but it would've been daft not to. It took us about 2 hours of easy plodding to get there with a bit of a lunch stop halfway along.

Nice views opening up

A short, steeper descent takes you down past the crags and then it's a bit tedious going over the peat hags.

Looking back up at Carn Dearg's craggy bits

Fortunately it had been very dry so these weren't as arduous as I imagine they'd be on a normal day. We kept losing and finding the path but knew where we were headed and eventually reached the gully and passed through then turned right into next gully and the wee bridge.

Descent into first gully

The wee bridge

We stopped here for a breather and scoffed many blueberries that were growing in abundance.

Hunners of blaeberries

A very long and hairy caterpillar

From here on in, the track was good and the only remaining hazard was passing through a field of cows with calves. Took the perimeter route just in case. Passed by a wee house, sadly all boarded up and got back to the car about 1700. Sat for a bit and drank lots of water before heading home. A great day.
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