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Obstacles , good job it was dry!

Obstacles , good job it was dry!

Postby PathfinderPaul » Fri Oct 14, 2022 9:59 pm

Route description: Beinn a' Chaorainn & Beinn Teallach

Munros included on this walk: Beinn a' Chaorainn (Glen Spean), Beinn Teallach

Date walked: 26/08/2021

Time taken: 10 hours

Distance: 16 km

Ascent: 1197m

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Beinn a Chaorin-910.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

We were keen to get back into bagging after lockdown and the weather at the end of August and early September was exceptional. It had been very dry so a good time to do this route which is supposed to be very boggy :)
Our first obstacle though was the clegs :roll:
Image68C47AFB-32D8-41D7-9AE8-AC6B28557AC3 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
ImageD3AA7362-87C7-4A10-83A4-209E22D3A908 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
The next obstacle was they had just put up a brand new deer fence right across the mountain :roll:
We searched for a ladder, but found none, they probably hadn’t got round to it :(
So it was a bit of climbing :clap:
Image0CB0635D-D9E7-4740-919E-A6D528101E33 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
Now for the first summit :)
Image2E0174C6-1A92-447E-9AF9-0B56661D4A43 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
All fairly straightforward in the great weather :o
Image85F30829-4A8F-4C71-91E9-77C4CA806D26 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
Lovely views at the summit. :clap:

Image9A003A59-5D9D-4DCC-8163-71C0B59B5C79 by Paul Howard, on Flickr

ImageFC071342-B73C-4DE6-BC8B-690DE0918475 by Paul Howard, on Flickr

ImageCA8CA37F-0B7A-4CA6-91DA-C46E921C42A0 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
Now to follow the ridge before going down .

ImageA2FBF742-6C09-4846-8C13-CE95822783B0 by Paul Howard, on Flickr

ImageA76E1CF2-27E8-4D37-BF1D-E1D6ACCD7281 by Paul Howard, on Flickr

and see how wet it was in the valley, quite rough going, but dry :lol:
Image34BB38ED-3FAB-45A4-BCC1-BFC652495A20 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
We stopped for lunch a bit below the large boulder.
We were tiring a bit as we started our next ascent, not hill fit after lockdown :(
ImageF8364DE6-5618-4C3B-AB54-091A511BB625 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
ImageB783D66B-B629-4E43-972D-C941C952AA82 by Paul Howard, on Flickr
But eventually we made it :clap:
Image595E8615-C887-4F21-BB79-D90346E561FB by Paul Howard, on Flickr
Image6E61A1DB-779D-42C9-8ACB-B8CE6061015B by Paul Howard, on Flickr
We found the descent hard work and even with gps hard to keep to a path :(
ImageA7D516CE-4655-45BD-911E-98A36426EB7F by Paul Howard, on Flickr
Two weary souls finally trudged back to the car, but brilliant weather for this route :D
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