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Was desperate to get out today even though the forecast was not good,so plumped for the cairnwell hills as this looked a safe bet for a day like this ,not much ascent and easy bail out if it got really windy.Set off for Carn Aosda first at just after 8 and it was chucking it down
- View back to car park
Got to the top in about 25 minutes,surely the easiest munro by far
- Grim on carn aosda
The conditions now were as bad as i have been in ,strong winds and the rain was stinging my face(never packed balaclava)and i was starting to wonder if it was wise to carry on to carn a gheoidh.Decided to carry on and must admit that without the gps would probably still be wandering about up there could see no more than twenty yards in front of me all the way
- Carn a gheoidh
- view from carn a gheoidh
Got there though and this is probably a good walk in good conditions,didn't hang about to long and headed back the same way and then onto the cairnwell.Top of the cairnwell was wierd,never seen the radiomasts and other buildings till i was right on top of them ,took some pics and headed back to the car
- cairnwell cairn well
Again never hung about here long and headed back to the car park
- Break in the clouds on way down
Got back to the car after about 3 hours 10 minutes and by this point the rain could not have come down any harder,seen one hardy soul heading off for the hill as i drove out but apart from that never seen anyone all day ,off course by the time i got to blairgowrie the sun was splitting the trees

Still glad i got out and at least my waterproofs never let me down