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High pressure forecast for the whole weekend, but without a car available were there any other options that would allow me to spend some time in the hills? 🤔
Wednesday night and not much time to pull a plan together. Reading the forums Newtonmore seemed to be a realistic option, and it looked like it was going to involve at least one overnight stay.
Getting into more of a detailed planning session and leaving after work on Friday night looked like it might work, but the train times aren't favourable for a return on Saturday. Could this mean a second night in the hills 😉
There aren't many trip reports that take in the outlier in this range. Generally means it's not a great idea, but it's been dry for some time so hopefully the bogs on the plateau have dried out. A bit of extra walking might avoid leaving a single hill for another trip 😆
So the plan was set, all packed and ready, and full of excitement for the weekend ahead.
Plenty time to sit back and enjoy the views out the window. Before I knew it I was arriving at Newtonmore
Sunset was listed around 22:00 so I didn't have just all that long to get into the hills and find a spot
Arrived at the starting car park and was tempted to pitch up near all the camper vans.
Still felt like there was plenty of light until dusk so decided to continue on in search of a better spot.
Remember regretting that decision when all I could see in every direction was deer and sheep.
Worried about ticks decided to press on and try to get clear of them.
Eventually found a nice spot and was glad to be pitched up beside a stream away from them all. Gentle breeze so no midges, hopefully won't see them in the morning either. Lots of concern about wild fires so didn't take any cooking equipment at all. Quick snack and off to sleep
Slept well and with no sign of any midges in the morning there was no rush to get going. Probably set off about 9 o'clock
Fill up my two litres of water and make a start walking. With the blazing sun at my back and a full overnight pack soon realise this is going to be a tough trip 😅
Looking back down to the glen
Bit of a steep pull finds you up at the bridge (although the levels of the stream were pretty low so I had crossed at the ford a little downstream)
Onwards and upwards
Another steep pull and the first target comes into sight 🙂
And not too long until the first summit was reached
Had a chat with a few others around the summit and explain I'm heading off the beaten track so don't worry about me, if you see me heading the wrong way 🙂
Maybe it's the sun or the big bag, dried out bogs or the fence posts, but it's a long way over to the next hill. 😕
Aimed for a few of the remaining snow patches to try and break things up
After what seems to be a long time find myself at what looks to be the last pull up to the next hill.
Make a bit of a calculated risk to drop the pack on a path and head up for an out and back without it. (Take a note of the coordinates where I left it 🙂)
Felt a bit vulnerable without my stuff but worked out ok. Walkers at the summit were a bit puzzled about where I'd came from.
The walk back always seems shorter and was feeling good about choosing the extra hassle of the outlier (although it would have been a different story if the bogs hadn't been dried out ) 🙂
Stopped off at a nice lochan on the way back
Found myself back at the bealach where I'd ventured out for the outlier. It was a welcome sight. There was no sign of any walk highlanders on the route now. Looks like they've all passed earlier in the day and I was on my own now
Aware that I was starting to feel a bit weary it was time to stop and get something to eat, to fuel up for the journey ahead.
Straight forward enough, head down marching and find myself at the third hill of the day
The next summit is in sight and looks fairly close so that usually means there needs to be a significant drop in elevation to be classed another Munro 😮
Yes, within a few mins after setting off the deep ravine comes in to sight. Nothing else for it but to pick a line and head down. Fill up another two litres from the stream running through it
Another steep pull and I'm heading up to the last summit in golden hour. Lovely orange glow means time is pressing on again.
Was thinking about a summit camp on here but the wind is picking up and it seems sensible to head down for shelter
A bit like the first night find myself searching for the perfect pitch. A lot of the areas that look lovely green grass from above, turn out to be wet moss when you reach them.
Eventually settle on another spot beside a stream.
Glad to get set up and head off to sleep. That's been 26 miles and an awesome day 😴
The next morning and I'm not so lucky with the midges this time. Try to pack and roll up my gear while walking in circles 😆
Plenty of time until the first train on Sunday so a leisurely stroll back towards town and time to sit on a few nice benches on the estate
Looking back at the camper vans
Having had no stove for a few days, was glad to track down a lovely coffee and hot breakfast in town before reaching the station and heading home.
Another great trip in the hills 😎
Really enjoyed not driving. Will definitely look for other opportunities to use the train 🙂