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Ben Gulabin

Ben Gulabin

Postby U059361 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 4:45 pm

Route description: Ben Gulabin, Glen Shee

Corbetts included on this walk: Ben Gulabin

Date walked: 17/07/2023

Time taken: 2.5 hours

Distance: 7.8 km

Ascent: 475m

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Parked beside the gate to the track as instructed. Plenty of space for a few cars on the rough ground and another car park just a couple of hundred meters back if its busy. Booted and walking by 10am. Bit dull with heavy cloud so put on my big waterproof coat just in case. It was sheltered walking up the track, several little burns run across it but nothing to wet my boots. It was spooky to see the remains of the ski tow on the hillside opposite. Steep track straight up which churns up the peat as it climbs. Not going to be long before its washed out. Once off the track it’s a worn path to the top. Not much of a top, a path continues over to the other side of the hill. Went for a look and took some photos. Back to the top and sat behind the rocks to keep the wind off while I had my lunch, tea and butteries. Walked over to the other top on another worn path and could see a large mound of rocks further over and a path to it. So went for a look. It is a huge shelter, 2 nests and a couch shaped in them to keep the wind off whoever used them. Walked back to the second top. It was tempting to just walk down the slope back to the start of the walk, it would have been straightforward enough. Wanted to keep my step count up though so returned the way I came up.
ImageGlas Tulaichean by Joe Kincaid, on Flickr

ImageSpittal of Glenshee by Joe Kincaid, on Flickr

ImageA93 Glen Shee by Joe Kincaid, on Flickr

Back at the car at 12:30pm. There was another car parked and the parking further back was completely full, but I don’t think anyone was walking from there. A good stretch of the legs.
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