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1 and 2) Munro for 3 people in the group. Definitely, it was the selfie time. Ignore my weird face on the left. haha! But, yeah Inveruglas, is reached via bus/ car from Glasgow.
Head towards the Sloy Power station. It was quite straightforward until the Sloy power station and next to the road, keep walking away from the Inveruglas Visitor Center.
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3) Keep walking straight up until you can see the dam, Just before the Dam on the right, about 200-300m before, you can see a set of stairs on the right, easy to miss them. Take the stairs up and it will lead you all the way upto the Peak, and a little bit scrambling on the top, but nothing a beginner can not deal with. But remember the climb is pretty steep, so don't forget to take a break, turn and look out for the views.
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, this is the view on your back when you head up and towards your left, the view on the right will be the view of the dam.
4) Keep heading up to the peak and you can see a false peak. There'll be 3 false peaks before you get to the original one, so keep walking.
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5) Look back and enjoy the views of the dam on your right.
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6) Keep going to the top and follow the path until you reach your first false peak, and keep walking until you reach a rock like this:
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7) You are almost there, another 30 minutes and you are there. A little bit of scrambling to go now, and you can see you will have reached the top and get a photo taken at the peak.
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There's another peak right in front of this one. There are rumours that this was a false peak and the other one is the true one. But, touch them both hehe!
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