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Set off about half 8 and headed from the YH down to the villafe, and up steeply onto Walna Scar Road.
Big circuit today ( for us anyway) 8 summits in total, 7 Wainwrights in total (6 Hewitts)
A nice steady relaxed climb all the way to the cairn and it was - right turn clyde and up and over brown pike and buck pike en route to Dow Crag - todays 1st Wainwright, nice wee rocky summit.
Next it was down round and steadily up to Coniston old man.
- Chris on Coniston
Only saw the family of 4 behind us until this point and as we approached the summit it became clear, it was a busy route up from the other ( touristy route) direction.
- On coniston old man
- Looking over to Dow Crag from Coniston
Bite to eat here , chat with some of the population, a few pics and time to head off over Brim fell and skirt round and up to Grey friar. 2 cairns here about 50m apart - good for view in either direction.
- The view from Grey friar over to Scafell range
More pics, quick 10 min stop and down and up
- Chris moving up the slope of Great carrs
- visiting the aircraft crash site and Royal Canadian Air force memorial before going up to Great Carrs
Short descent and ascent up to Swirl How and
- On Swirl how
a nice rocky descent with a good wee path guiding you steeply down to the col and large cairn. Must be another popular ascent descent route from here/ to here from the copper mines.
- From the col looking down to levers water
And on we went after the fair descent , up on a nice path and pick a point ( after the bend , it's pointless going up the faint path you see) , to head across and upto Black Sails - not a wainwright , but a Hewitt.
- On black sails coniston water behind
Another short descent / ascent upto todays final summit- wetherlam , woohoo.
If Chris were writing this he may Include more about the lady heading north from here heading for coniston!!! we gave some advice - a bit about not relying on Google maps and offered assistance on the route. It fell on deaf ears and we headed off back down ( as she followed us keeping the same distance between her and us). If you are looking in hopefully you had a good walk on Sunday and I also hope that at least one tiny piece of our advice may have been taken on board. It may have been a cold, lonely night up there for her, I've been there , and it's not nice.
Anyway, down we went and came out at the junction where the other hostel/ mine is.
Back down past miners Bridge and Chris cut off for the YH and I headed into coniston for some supplies.
Great company, great route, great hills, beautiful corries and tarns, great views, the weather played ball.
Good day .
- Cheers pal
Ascent = estimate