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Did this walk a while ago and have only just loaded info so cant remember much about it. I followed the walk report in the opposite direction (just to be different as lots of walkers started at the same time) but scrambled straight up A'Chailleach to save on distance. It was steep, tough and very slow going and my legs were sore when i reached the summit. I expected to see a fell runner who zoomed passed me on the track before hand but he was either speedy gonzalez or had taken flight as he was knowhere to be seen. Maybe id imagined him
It was warm and very boggy on the approach with no path after leaving the track soon after the bridge. Once on the 1st summit the weather was completly different. Clear, but strong gusts and a lot colder. On went full clothing while sheltering in a little gully. It was sunny and the wind was behind me thankfully so this made it easier. A few hikers really struggling, passed me which i felt sorry for as its a long lonely platau up there with a long walk back to car. Im glad i did this walk S>N direction remaining unaffected by the N blowing wind making things awkward for everyone else heading south.
Half way along and after my second Munro of the day the hail set in. Talk about climate variation! Hot, humid and sunny at 250m. Cold, gusty and hail at 925m! Finished 4 munros and got back to the car after walking 14mls in 5 hrs. First time out in a month so was pleased with my fitness. It was good to shed the calorie cobwebs with a long multiple Munro bagging hike. Top day!