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I don't post as often these days being content to browse in the background however that wasn't always the case.
Back when we were collecting the Munros my constant companion was Murphy aka "An Cù" my wee terrier . A few of you recognised us over the years on the hill but not for my looks but because they recognised the dog

His first Munro was Sgurr Èilde Mòr back in 2010 where he was kept on the lead due to his ability to flush and subsequently chase anything that moved ..especially deer .
Over the years he learnt to behave ...but only when it suited him

Once he got a scent it there was no halting him and off he would hare after the quarry, ignoring whistles and shouts, you'd see the wee black figure vainly chasing the herd who would usually be some distance away from him comfortaby ahead. He would always return but on his own terms and on any given hill he'd cover x 6 of what i had paced always flanking down or circling ahead.
We camped on summits did multi day rounds in all weathers and enjoyed those days to the full in each others company creating an unbreakable bond. When i went out Murphy was ready and waiting sitting at the door .When i moved he moved and when i tried to prevent him haring off he ignored me
After a particularly long day the wee fella was always first in the tent ...usually plump in them middle on the sleeping bag and unwilling to move to let me in
He was particularly hardy in snow and with short legs and long coat in winter he iced up pretty quick ,but was always happy follwing my trail which i had to plough flat without lifitng my boots to ease his movement
His wee iced face was always a picture haha
He always had a winter jacket , usually red which made him easier to keep an eye on and hec managed some pretty extreme climbs but with some ease the claws being inbuilt crampons.
His last hill was the Corbett Beinn Lèoid on the 13th April 2022 . That day i noticed a change in him and although we had been avoiding taking him out in heat and on multi days he finally looked like the old 16 year old fella that was needing to retire from the mountains. In all he managed 261 Munros , 180 Corbetts and numerous Fionas ,Subs and repeat local hills in Sunart
He retired then still healthy and fit and able to manage lengthy flat walks but gradual the relentless march of time started to hit and by March this year he was starting to hirple and slow right down to short walks once a day ...
Finally the old bhoy started to show signs of doggy dimensia in late Summer 2023 and that combined with slowly failing rear legs called me to question his quality of life given the days he had been used to and which he loved.
He finally went to sleep with help in my arms and in his own home on the 21st Nov 2023 at 14:00 hrs at 17 years of age marking a gentle end to a gold plated dogs life.
Tha na làithean a' dol seachad, tha sinn a' fàs aosd.....the days flash past us as we age. RIP An Cù / Murphy a life well lived