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Ben Gulabin - quick Corbett above Glen Shee with Kids

Ben Gulabin - quick Corbett above Glen Shee with Kids

Postby WalkingWithKids » Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:50 pm

Route description: Ben Gulabin, Glen Shee

Corbetts included on this walk: Ben Gulabin

Date walked: 07/11/2023

Time taken: 3.15 hours

Distance: 6.1 km

Ascent: 463m

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Ben Gulabin from A93 near Spittal of Glenshee with Kids (10, 13 y/o)

Hill no. 178 - Corbett no. 32

Our plan for the day was to climb two Corbetts that are relatively close to each other:
1. Ben Gulabin
2. Monamenach

Since each hill has its own WH walk, I wrote a report for each hill separately.

1. Ben Gulabin

We more or less followed the WH walk Ben Gulabin, Glen Shee. There are tracks and a path to the summit.

Total distance - 6.1 km
Total time - 3h10m
Altitude gain - 450 m

Map of our route:

20231107-H0178-C032-Ben-Gulabin-from-A93---Glen Shee---Track.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

Elevation profile of our route:
Ben Gulabin.png

We parked at the start of the track just off the A93.

Parking at the start of the track.

There was a sign at the gate - "Shooting in progress. Please keep to tracks.". We met a guy at the gate and asked him if it was okay to walk up the hill. He said no problem.

Dangerous area :) .

Looking back to A93.

Crossing Allt a' Charnaich.

Some rocks by the ford.

After about 1.7 km we left the good track, crossed a bog around a burn and continued up the hill along a track that was muddy and boggy in places.

After 1.7 km - start of the uphill track.

Uphill track - muddy and boggy in places.

Munro The Cairnwell beyond the rainbow.

The track ended just before the saddle and the path continued to the summit of Ben Gulabin.

Top of Ben Gulabin.

Conni on the top, looking NNE, towards The Cairnwell.

Looking SE, towards Graham Mount Blair.

From the summit we walked along a path on a broad ridge to the eastern summit.

Walking towards the eastern summit.

Looking NNE (zoomed in) - The Cairnwell, Càrn an Tuirc, A93.

From the eastern summit we walked along a path to rejoin the uphill track and than we retraced our steps. We had some food in the car. We then drove to the starting point of the second hill - Monamenach.
Hill Bagger
Posts: 188
Munros:20   Corbetts:34
Sub 2000:102   
Joined: Sep 26, 2020
Location: Moray

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