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I normally go on to Beinn a;Ghlo from Glen Tilt but this time Gordon picked me up at Birnam Station and we went up to the new car park. It seemed an improvement. So did the new stepping stones across the flat before Carn Liath.
Not the only construction on the hill, because at the summit was an igloo. You don't often think "That's a first!" on a Scottish hill.
That was the only time visibility failed, but the wind was to cut you in two.
We put on crampons to go down to the Bealach an Fhiodha but didn't need them.
We then decided to skip Can nan Gabhar. The way down the glen is a morass, and we were thinking wistfully of descending by Airgiod Bheinn. We finally got on to the new motorway which was welcome. The sole of Gordon's boot then split, for six inches back from the toe.
He strapped it up and walked in a peculiar manner. I took this shot to remind me how far he'd come, in one of the restrapping stops.
Cracking day, and I was dropped at the Atholl Arms with time for a pint before my train.