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Rossett Pike

Rossett Pike

Postby richardkchapman » Thu Apr 18, 2024 1:45 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Rosset Pike

Hewitts included on this walk: Rossett Pike

Date walked: 16/04/2024

Time taken: 6.3

Distance: 14.42 km

Ascent: 573m

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2024-04-16 Rossett Pike_1671nodes.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

Yesterday was a bit of a washout with foul weather in the valleys and wintery showers on the tops, so this is day three of our visit to the lakes but the second day of fellwalking.

The target for today was Rossett Pike - the last but one Wainwright on my to-do list.

We made another early start - the curtains in our cottage don't block a lot of light so we are waking up early - and were parked up in Old Dungeon Ghyll car park and ready to go by 8:30.

ImageSetting off from Old Dungeon Ghyll

The walk starts with a long almost-level section heading up Mickleden on the Cumbria Way,

ImageHeading up Mickleden

ImageDestination on the skyline

Upon reaching the footbridge at the end of the level part of the path, a decision had to be made - up Rossett Gill, or up Stake pass? We decided that the longer, gentler way round would suit us better so headed up towards Stake Pass.


The path up beside Stake Gill to the end of Langdale Combe was a bit of a slog (but less so than Rossett Gill would have been). We pondered turning left at this point to head up Black Crags, but decided to go round via the top of Stake Pass instead. The path though the hanging valley of Langdale Combe was very pleasant and gave our legs a bit of a rest after all the climbing up to this point.

At the top of Stake Pass I thought that the view down Langstrath might be interesting, but it was a bit underwhelming. We turned left and headed up the ridge towards Rossett Pike.

While the destination was usually in view ahead, it looked very insignificant compared to the bulk of Bowfell behind it.

ImageBowfell completely dominating Rossett Pike

The views likewise were rather dominated by the Bowfell/Esk Pike ridge.

ImageBowfell and Esk Pike

After a pleasant-enough gentle ascent up the ridge, we reached the summit of Rossett Pike.

ImageRossett Pike Summit

ImageLorraine and dogs at the summit

Not the most thrilling summit, nor the most thrilling of views. I think perhaps there's a reason why this fell was left until (almost) last on my tour of Wainwrights!

We didn't linger on the top, but dropped down towards Angle Tarn for lunch. only to be driven off by a cold wind - we resumed lunch a little way down the path.

ImageAngle Tarn

Descent was via the Rossett Gill path - an easy enough route down but I think we were glad we had chosen the ascent we did.
Eventually we got back to the footbridge where the Stake Pass path had turned off.

ImageBack at the Stake Pass Junction

All that remained was a couple of miles back along Mickleden.

ImageLone Tree

This looked like a good spot for a swim, but for some reason Lorraine was not keen. Maybe another time.

ImageSwimming spot

And so back to the Old Dungeon Ghyll for a quick pint before heading home.

Only one Wainwright left on my list now (though there's a couple that I THINK I did in my youth but I'm not 100% sure, so I'll probably try to get those definitively ticked off before tackling the final summit (Castle Crag...)
Posts: 127
Joined: Aug 29, 2010

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