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A easy day out, two small Munro's should not be to difficult, I was wrong!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful day for it 0830 start at Inveruglas, parking spaces were plentiful due to early arrival.
Easy walk along the side of the road and onto the hydro paved road.
A nice gradual ascent up towards my first hill Ben Vorlich, as it got closer it appeared steeper and steeper.
I paused at the start of the stepped section and realised this is going to be harder than I thought for a small Munro.
Of up I went and felt like the first part of the ascend was never ending (felt like it was some kind of joke I was not privy to

Met some fellow hill walkers with a great sense of humour

As the ascent progressed the views were getting better, it helped ease the prolonged ascent!!!!!!!
A few hardy walkers running past me on their way down made me feel unfit
Eventually after two hrs and nine minutes the summit appeared and a huge smile appeared on my face.
The views were superb, I did think about venturing to the top just a short distance away, I decided to keep my energy for Ben Vane.
The descent was not to bad considering the steepness of the ascent and I felt as though I was going at a good pace.
Eventually I reached the hydro track and started thinking maybe giving Ben Vane a miss, then I was like no chance it is the smallest of the Munro's and I am not travelling down from Inverness just for one hill.
I proceeded to pick the pace up as I approached the right turn onto the bridge, it is a very small gradient on the approach to Ben Vanes path, however I felt drained and the heat did not help, and I seriously considered turning back, but like a trooper I persevered and made my way to the start point, I spoke to a few walkers who advised that Ben Vane is steep and thought fair play for doing both, I took this on board and thought I have done steeper hills.
Of I went and soon it was a snail pace and the realisation that this hill is going to make me work for every step, after what seemed like a eternity I eventually made the summit, that was after every false summit eating away my morale

The views were superb and the thought of continuing to complete Ben Ime and Narnian was dropped instantly !!!!!
After some well needed R&R and plenty of fluids my second wind kicked into play and I started the descent which was easier than expected.
Eventually I got back onto the hydro track, which was a welcome relief, as I knew in less than thirty minutes I would be back at my car.
A super day out 13.2 miles in 7hrs 23m 9s
And a valuable lesson learned, do not underestimate these two hills.
I am looking forward to the remaning two Arrochar Alps and possibly the two Corbetts, and I fully expect the ascents to be similar to todays adventure.
I hope this brief report helps any fellow walker, even if it makes them smile reading this.