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RouteI had been jealously looking at everyone's Instagram posts during the week while stuck in work down in London and decided to take the Friday off from work to try and get some snow before Storm Bert moved in on the weekend. I decided to try the loop from Bethesda as I'd never been up from that side of the Carneddau.
Walk up to Yr ElenThe weather didn't look amazing, but would be much better than being in the mountains during Storm Bert, so I set off from the car park in Bethesda around half 10, making quick progress on the roads before reaching the path I had plotted to take me to the climb up Yr Elen. It was here where I had my first navigational issue of the day as the footpath on OS maps didn't really align with the available paths on the ground. Looking at Strava heatmaps I can see much better paths that people have taken so lesson learned for next time!
After entering the open access land above the farm I started seeing small groups of the Carneddau ponies, sheltering from the poor weather higher up.
- Carneddau Ponies
I then reached the base of the climb to Yr Elen and the clouds moved in reducing visibility to around 30m. Handily the general direction is easy to follow. On the way up Yr Elen I met 3 other walkers who had been up just to tick off Yr Elen (I think to complete the Welsh 3000s) who had sledges which seems like a great idea for saving your knees - if anyone knows a good model please let me know, I'd like to try one out the next time there is snow.
Once I reached Yr Elen I put another layer and my spikes on as it had started to get a bit cold (apparently it was -11C with wind chill) and I didn't want to get frozen on the top of Carnedd Llewelyn while faffing about. I did have to break trail which made my overheat a bit though
Carnedd LlewellynWhen I did get to the top I immediately jumped in the shelter to get out of the wind. Unfortunately the snow had filled up most of the shelter so I was stuck crouching in the small space remaining to get a break.
- Carnedd Llewellyn shelter
Leaving the shelter I had my second navigational challenge and went the wrong way in the mist. With visibility down to around 10 metres I got a bit turned around. This is the second time I've gone the wrong way in the snow and mist on Carnedd Llewelyn so I need to learn the ground a bit more
- The day's average visibility
Carnedd DafyddThe walk to Carnedd Dafydd was uneventful, only seeing one other hiker, with the only challenges being trying to avoid the snowdrifts.
- Selfie
- Rimey poles
I started my way down Carnedd Dafydd and managed to navigate the boulder field without too much issue, although I would like to go back when there is no snow cover/clag and to see if there is a better path. I did find a small Christmas tree nestled in the rocks which was nice. I'd love to see more tree covered mountains in the UK, Europe is much better in that regard.
- Christmas Tree
I finally made it out of the clag and then had some nice views in the fading light, trying to speed up to get back to the van before darkness closed in and forcing me to get my headtorch out.
- Out of the clag
- Out of the clag 2
I enjoyed most of the route and I was very glad to have got some snow before Storm Bert, however I still wish I had managed to get out of work earlier to experience the snow in the sun like everyone else during the week