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Myself and her mum tried to get Claire to do this report as she had previously done one, but she wasn't having it so i'm afraid it's going to have to be my account of events. Maybe if she reads this she may do one, to give her version of events.
So it was a nice warm day and we decided to go for a walk, only thing was i was the only one that knew we would be going up a Munro and hopefully onto a Corbett, didn't want to tell Claire it was a Munro for fear she wouldn't do it and i also wanted to keep the suprise from her mum as well.
We set off from the layby in Loch Carron just past Loch Sgamhain, crossed the river via the bridge and followed the path which was quite boggy at times and faint. We left the path to climb the north west slopes off Moruisg which were steep, especially for a nine year old but Claire plodded on with a little bit of whinging in her mums ear and eventually made it up. She did ask on a few occasions if it was a Munro we were going up but i just said it was a Corbett

Once up we firstly went to the large, where we saw another cairn further up that looked higher so we walked over to that and took Claires photo, thats when i congratulated her on her first Munro. The answer i got was " i knew this was a munro" but secretly i knew she was delighted as was her mum.
My next job was how i was going to get Claire to do the Corbett as well, so i said it was a bit steep to go back the way we came and pointed to the ridge leading to the Corbett, saying how level it was and wouldn't that be a better way to go, Kim agreed and so did Claire so off we went. After her exersions off climbing the steep slopes it was good to get on level ground and we reached the point where we would descend down Creag a' Chait in no time. It was here that i said a little half hour detour would take us to a Corbett as well, Claire agreed to go for it but it cost me a tenner

Well it was the best tenner ive ever spent and soon we were sitting on the old Munro Sgurr nan Ceannaichean which is now a corbett. We took some photos then made our way back, taking the route down Creag a' Chait which was steep in parts and quite rocky and again the wee one did good. Once on the path that led us back to the car Claire was away like a shot, i'm thinking to myself " i thought she was knackered" as i tried to keep up. When we reached the river Claire wanted to try and cross it rather than walk the short distance to the bridge, so over we went over some stepping stones till the last bit where we had to leap over,with Claire getting a little wet which was the perfect end for her after her first Munro.
- The bridge
- The Munro & the Corbett
- Kim & Claire at the bridge
- Heading up the path
- A little break
- The steep section
- Getting steeper
- View north west
- Claire at the top
- The Corbett
- Nearly at the Corbett
- Soldiering on
- Looking back at the Munro
- View down the Glen
- Almost there
- Knackered
- Smiling
- Victory
- At the top with her mum
- The two bullies

- A happy 9yr old
- Claire leading the way
- Alook back
- Kim crossing the river