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Subtitled 1st half under the clag, 2nd half in the clag and 3rd above the clag.....
Was one of those days we thought as we drove through Stirling and onwards towards Loch Lomond, low-lying clag made driving awkward and slow once we got near to Loch Lomond and the Inveruglas car park spot. Several cars already parked up was encouraging. Suited and booted by 9.30 and even then I was the tail wagging the dog as I usually am on the hills....
We did wonder if the clag would lift as forecast but we shouldn't have bothered as it turned out to be a wonderful day.
But to start off with we could hardly see a thing, and I was kind of glad to have worn my thermals although a brisk pace soon warmed us up. Onto the path towards Loch Sloy dam and the clag was still lying low, but this brought an unexpected surprise as Ben Vane loomed up out of the mists on our left hand side.....
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My first ever sighting of what we initially called a White Rainbow.... turns out the correct name is Fog Bow. Apparently quite rare so I have been told but I dare say the folks on here will have seen a few on their travels...
- First ever Fog Bow
The early sun was beginning to burn off quickly which we appreciated; well apart from me in the thermals and we hadn't even hit the upward path. Despite being last, twas me who noticed the marker for the path up but the others were far ahead, nearer the damn. Given the conditions we decided to all ascend from the same point so I carried out. I'd regret this later on as it was near 2000ft up before I finally got on to the path, twas a relentless upward slog to that point.
Ben Vane looked magnificent across the valley, rising out of the mist, not climbed this yet, it's on my to-do list along with Ben Ime and a few others....
- Ben Vane... ( I think, I hope..)
Vorlich might not be the tallest munro, but it's tough with it's continual ascent. I prefer climbs that I can zigzag across rather than straight up; bit easier on the ankles and knees, especially with this being pretty boggy in places.
Couldn't see the path at all from where I climbed, just large rock formations but I knew I couldn't be far away from it and lo and behold the gps reading was approx 2000ft when I finally spied it. My buddies all missed it and kept on going through the bog, serves them right for leaving me behind to plod along. Of course with me taking plenty photos I was always going to be far behind. Reaching the rocks just above where I joined the path was time for a breather - not the first of course - and turning round was the most spectacular view I've seen in a long time. Well above the cloudline now we were into blue skies and sunshine, the cloud inversion over Loch Lomond was simply stunning. Again, my first experience of this, as usually I'm in the clag, not above it.
- Ben and Loch Lomond....
I just stopped for a few mins to admire the views, hard to believe less than an hour ago we could hardly see 10 yards. Those poor tourists on Loch Lomond will feel hard done by today.....
Continuing on upwards and getting a bit exposed, I was again glad of the thermals as the chill breeze was quite biting when I was exposed. Met 3 of my buddies who were a bit too fast going up but not as fast going down so at least I knew it wasn't too far to go and I wasn't really caring as I was just enjoying the day. Last time I climbed in November it was a lot wetter and colder so the sunshine was a bonus today.
Reached the cairn in about 3.5 hrs which wasn't too bad for me really and had great views all around and up towards the Crianlarich munros with Ben More being especially prominent.
- Ben More
A few more scenic photo's going down until we once again hit the clag but a very enjoyable day out. Above the clouds was definitely the place to be for decent weather on Sunday.....

- Back in to the clag....