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Wind after New Years Eve!

Wind after New Years Eve!

Postby L-Hiking » Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:35 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Arthur's Pike, Bonscale Pike, Loadpot Hill, Wether Hill

Hewitts included on this walk: Loadpot Hill

Date walked: 02/01/2012

Time taken: 4.5

Distance: 13.5 km

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After a great night out in Lancashire on the 31st the plan was to get up and travel to Cumbria for a walk on the fells....Durhhh my head was hurting any way I blame all them Scotsmen for encouraging me to have another wee dram!! :? Seriously we had a hoot of a night and my thanks go out to those friendly people from Glasgow

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So a day late we were on the 2nd of January but I was eagerly looking forward to the walk with a clear head, but with a wee dram in my hip flask, just in case it got cold :crazy:

Set of from Howtown and walked up the Fusedale valley, the objective being the summit of Whether Hill at 2210 ft
Looking up towards the Head of Fusedale

The higher we climbed the better the views became and I had my first view of the white stuff this winter, not much, but it certainly feels good to be out here today. Not another sole to be seen anywhere

Looking back with Steel Knotts and Blencathra in the far distance.
A little higher up and Skiddaw comes into view
At the summit Hellvelyn and Catstycam was in clear view in this picture Striding Edge is clearly seen and the path leading up to the hole in the wall is visible too. iI was now a straight forward walk towards Lowther House or what is left of it ,just a few stones left now at the once proud shooting lodge. The wind lifted at this point and snow showers were ever present Yippee :D
Looking back towards Wether Hill and the High Street range, with the ruins of Lowther House on Loadpot Hill in the foreground.The picture does not show it but I had difficulty standing up as I took this picture and it was getting colder by the minute, making it difficult to take pictures due to my cold hands and face when turned into the wind. Our next objective Aurthurs Pike was on the horizon, which we made in good time, howevr it was at this point where we turned for the home stretch over Bonscale Pike and we were walking straight into a howling gale. This was certainly tough and definitely a lot harder than I had imagined, the freshly fallen snow was turning to ice almost immediately. It was going to be tricky getting down off Bonscale Pike as the initial part is very steep.So on with the crampons and I am pleased to have them to because the slope was well iced over as we decended.
Ullswater from Bonscale Pike
The views were quite good and i had my new camera with me but the cold wind was so bad that it was a struggle to get the gloves of to hold camera out never mind take a picture. However a good days walk was had and a further 4 Wainwrights knocked off my tally. :D
Still along way down
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Re: Wind after New Years Eve!

Postby SusieThePensioner » Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:12 pm

Enjoyed your report Geoff and liked the photos :D Always get great views around Ullswater!
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Re: Wind after New Years Eve!

Postby yokehead » Sat Jan 07, 2012 2:44 pm

Nice job on these deserted hills, cheers! :D Love the photos, especially the wintry brooding atmosphere you've captured in 165. 8)
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