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The battle of Ben Vorlich-starring Ian,Jake,Jim,Pigeon,Kev,Charlie(huck finn)and the legend Charlie P,it was a sair fecht but we came out on top at the end

Set off at 6 am and met kev and ian at inveruglas and were on the trail for about 10 past 8[/attachment]
- 8am in the morning likes
Knew this was no going to be easy

,forecast clear spells strong winds and much steepness once we hit the bottom of the hill.This was true sure enough but we all did well up to the 650 m point where things changed a bit.
- wet
Had to take care here as the snow was covering deep cracks and crevasses ,a fall through any of these would have been no nice

- Kwok
Slowly made our way to about 800 m and took shelter behind a big rock ,it was only when we emerged from said rock that we realised how strong the wind was.Strongest i've ever been in,big Jim is no wee(thats why he's called big jim)and he had to lie on his belly,seriously started having doubts at this point but we managed to keep kind of sheltered from the worst of it and soon got to the trig
- wild
- trig point -baltic freezin cauld
.Got caught up by a guy we had passed earlier, Kwok from Glasgow who had came up by bus who walked and chatted with us to the top and was kind enough to take a few pics at the summit cairn(risking frostbite in the fingers).
- the gang on the summit
It was mega baltic up here so the 7 of us headed back down the way we came,carefully trying to re-trace our steps.
- great when the sun came out
- big jim's offski
- charlie with ben lomond in the back
- taking our time on the way down
Managed to find a big rock on the way down to take refuge and got the soup on,homemade sweet potato and dhall courtesy of kev's wife and being the first hill of the new year , huckleberry finn produced some bottles of beer from his tardis ruck sack

- jake eyeing up the stella
- homemade sweet potato and dhall soup,none left which is always a good sign ,cheers senga
A superb day in trying conditions but a good gang ,especially chas p coming back and big jim getting his first serious winter walk done,also good to meet Kwok ,hope to catch up with you again fella ,until the next one .............
- the legend