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A last minute change of plan meant that I had to drop J in Edinburgh on Granny duties at 0930, where could I go for a short walk and still pick her up in the afternoon? The Pentlands are the obvious and nearest but are always teeming with walkers, dogs, runners and cyclists, the Moorfoots are an option, but have never been my favourites (too many peat hags and a wind farm) so it was the Lammermuirs for the day, which I haven't walked for 10 years or more. And I could add Meikle Says Law to the sub 2000 list.
Parked on the minor road from Gifford to Longformacus at NT 613636, crossed road and through gate and down to Faseny Cottage where there is a junction with 3 tracks joining, took the right hand one going WNW to start. This goes in a arc around Dun Side and curves round to approach the top of Meikle Says Law from the west. In the first couple of kms this crosses and recrosses the Faseny Water by 4 or 5 fords, but managed to cross without problems or wet feet. This was unexpected as I was wearing a reserve pair of fabric boots which lost any pretence of waterproofing long ago, my trusty leather Raichles having parted sole from upper.
From the trig point went SE over heather and peat to Little Says Law and then eventually picking up a track going NE towards Faseny Cottage.
These hills are grouse moors and there were hundreds about with almost continuous chuckling, if there is a good spring and successful breeding the guns will be very busy on the (in)Glorious Twelfth.
This walk won't appeal to all, but for a short winter walk makes a change from the Pentlands as I didn't see another walker.
- one of several fords
- track up to Meikle Says Law
- trig point Meikle Says Law at (just) 535m
- plate on trig point
- gentle rolling hills
- working hills with lots of traps
- glad I remembered my lunch, this doesn't look very appetising or hygienic
- Faseny Cottage
- another boot bites the dust!