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Parking in the large lay by on the A702 at NY 932 100 cross the road bridge over the Potrenick burn and follow the Southern Upland Way east to cross the foot bridge over the Potrail water. Continue allong the Way through the forest until coming to a large forest road. Leave the trail and follow the forest road to the right. About 100m from the wallat the end of the forest a rough track goes steeply up on the left, to ther Ne of Meikle Shag. Follow this up tothe top of the hill. Turn right and make way over to the wall at the edge of the plantation. Cross wall and fence onto open moor (suitable hole is present.) Turn left and follow the wall (quad bike track) to the summit of Comb Law. Summit is not marked. Turn right allong the fence and descend slightly before climbing to Hirstane Rigg. (Path shown on map passing through is not apprent on ground. Contiune following fence line until it turns right to head for the top of Ballencleugh Law. Cross the fence and head diagonally up hill to rach the top of Rodger Law and its trig point.
- Summit of Roger Law
From here an obvious path leads allong the ridge and uo tp Ballencleugh Law. The summit is marked with a number of old fence posts fastened together.
- Summit of Ballencleugh Law
Continue allong the ridge and then swing left to reach the summit of Scaw d Law. From there follow the wall north over Little Scaw d Law onto Durisdeer Hill. From the Summit head down the hill towards a single green field in the valley. From the field follow the track up to the main track trough the pass and right allong this back to the A702 for a short walk allong the road to the car