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2 Seasons in 1 day, 2nd attempt on Broadlaw successful !!

2 Seasons in 1 day, 2nd attempt on Broadlaw successful !!

Postby rdtoward21 » Mon Apr 16, 2012 5:09 pm

Route description: Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and Dollar Law

Corbetts included on this walk: Broad Law

Donalds included on this walk: Broad Law, Talla Cleuch Head

Date walked: 12/04/2012

Time taken: 4 hours

Distance: 10 km

Ascent: 840m

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Awoke to bright sunshine on the East coast and decided it was a great day for another attempt at Broadlaw summit.

Arrived about 11:30 in the morning and set off just before 12:00. It was cold but sunny. This however started to change as my wife and I got higher up the hill. The first unamed Cairn was reached and a short tea break followed. Still bright and sunny. Going was boggey and very wet in places due to heavy rainfall the night before but nothing that our kit couldnt handle.

As we followed the fence line and track up towards Broadlaw summit once again a blizzard came upon us and reduced visibility greatly. As this was my second attempt, I was determined not to be defeated again, so we ploughed on to the summit which was reached in 1:30 minutes.

We did not spend alot of time at the top and quickly headed back down as conditions began to worsen. We decided to head for the car. As we dropped back down the hill the weather began to improve, sun came out and the clouds lifted.

We headed for Talla Cleuch Head and once the summit was reached, we had a great lunch at the top enjoying stunning views of the surrounding area, including Broadlaw !!!

A nice day out, a good leg strecher and easy path to navigate.

Track_12-APR-12 155144.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

Unamed Cairn.JPG
Unamed Cairn
Broadlaw Summit.JPG
Broadlaw Summit in a blizzard
Talla Resevior.JPG
Talla Resevior
Broadlaw Summit from Talla Cleuch.JPG
Broadlaw Summit from Talla Cleuch Head
Last edited by rdtoward21 on Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2 Seasons in 1 day, 2nd attempt on Broadlaw successful !

Postby 2dalmatians » Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:20 pm

Well done for going back to the hill. I have turned back a few times and its always good to get back to it and reach the top. Nice 3rd pic too. I like the green of the hills in contrast to the water
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