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Meall nam Maigheach - the "can't get lost" Corbett

Meall nam Maigheach - the "can't get lost" Corbett

Postby JOHNGG » Tue Apr 17, 2012 2:24 pm

Route description: Meall nam Maigheach

Corbetts included on this walk: Meall nam Maigheach

Date walked: 15/04/2012

Time taken: 0.7 hours

Distance: 2 km

Ascent: 350m

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This is a fairly undemanding wee hill, and I guess most people do it as a "tag on" to some bigger more impressive hill in the area (of which there are many) I'd been up and down Beinn nan Oighreag that morning and thought as I was here I should re-ascent it, as I couldn't remember much about my previous walk up it in 2002.

I'd read suggestions of starting from further south, parking by the hut on the Loch Tay to Glen Lyon road, but didn't fancy the peat hags that route entails so decided on a more direct approach from the west. I parked near the big white sign for "Meggernie Estates" and then simply followed the large stone dyke which goes up the side of the hill from the road.

April 2012 walks 027.jpg

April 2012 walks 026.jpg

The dyke very helpfully continues almost all the way to the summit of the hill and would be useful in misty conditions for route finding. The summit is a fairly broad dome and gives decent views towards the Lawers Range and Meall nan Tarmachan.

April 2012 walks 024.jpg

April 2012 walks 025.jpg

From my car to summit cairn took 40 minutes, and the descent 30 minutes. I suspect that getting to the top of Ben Aden later on this year will require slightly more effort...
Posts: 41
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Joined: Jun 11, 2009

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