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Porridge for breakfast, Porridge in afternoon

Porridge for breakfast, Porridge in afternoon

Postby U059361 » Wed May 02, 2012 7:56 pm

Route description: Broad Law, Cramalt Craig and Dollar Law

Corbetts included on this walk: Broad Law

Donalds included on this walk: Broad Law

Date walked: 16/04/2012

Time taken: 4 hours

Distance: 9 km

Ascent: 415m

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Participants: Isabel and Joe
Weather: Cloudy with a few sunny periods.
Route: road, farm tracks, worn footpath and open hillside.
Wildlife: Grouse
Special Interest: If you are into air traffic control technology, plenty to view at top.
We always start the day with porridge, a syrup day as well if we go for a walk. :D
Parked car at an area used for parking beyond the Megget Stone and before crossing a narrow bridge and descending to Talla Reservoir. Space for several cars at least. We walked back up the road to Megget Stone and boundary fence running up the hill. You can do this walk in Dumfries and Galloway or in the Borders, on grass or in heather, we took grass which is the left side of fence or Dumfries and Galloway simply because it is easier walking on grass.
A cairn on top of Fans Law looking bown Megget Burn. Fence on the left.

We just followed the fence up the slope. this is the longest steep bit to do. Once at top, meet the first cairn on Fans Law and can see many more on side of Cairn Law (funny enough)
Talla Reservoir from Fans Law (Dumfries side)

Cairn Law ascent is the next big step up but smaller that Fans Law and once up there the hill of the day comes into view at last and broad it certainly is. We had lunch just behind a craig near the top.
Looking back down to Fans Law, the fence (grass on one side heather other) and a worn path can be seen

Broad Law, with boundary fence running up to top

From now its a fairly gentle steady climb. A boggy bit to avoid adds a few extra metres before a slightly steeper climb up to top.
Trig Point at top

As described on WH, plenty of hardware up here, handy if you need shelter though.
Looking over to Coulter Fell, Tinto etc.

Walked back down on the Borders side and went over to Porridge Cairn for the view. Then cut back over to Cairn Law and down to Fans Law.
A cairn on Cairn Law looking down to the road. You can see these cairns as you drive up to Megget.

We then went over the fence and walked west descending over the car park and going a little beyond it to avoid all the rocks and then cut back down to car park to avoid walking on the road. This last bit emphasises how steep this is but we were happy to do it this way.
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