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There have been a few good reports on this round recently, but here is my take on our day. It started over a year ago. We were going to camp in Glen Nevis & do the ring of steal. The month of May, plenty of light good weather & no midges. The weather gods conspired against us & we ended up on a day trip to walk Driesh & Mayer in the only part of Scotland not to have torrential rain on that day.
So fast forward one year & here we are after much texting & FB messaging standing at car park at the end of the glen. There is some white fluffy cloud, but lots of blue sky & sunshine. Ya beauty!
The walk through the woods was great with everyone getting reacquainted or acquainted as the case may be. Some discussion about the bridge, the ridge & crossing at the waterfall.
The view as you emerge from the trees is great especially when it’s such a lovely day.
I think the phrase ‘the bridge was dispatched professionally’ is apt for 5 out of 7, whilst two of us sprinted knee deep through the river in a selfless act to get the best photos!
Next was crossing under the steal falls, which after all the rain was fairly tricky, not so much in the actual crossing but picking the right spot.
Once across it was time for the obligatory boggy section where I had to put up with a bit of stick from the gang!
Then the ascent starts on a great path with the views behind of the Aonachs, CMD, the arête & the Ben.
A wee food stop on a broad shoulder before the final ascent onto An Gearanach & the start of the Ring of Steall.
The first sight of the whole thing is amazing. We spent a while taking it all in before crossing to An Garbtanach where a bit of hand work is necessary. Dropped steeply down & as we did we could see a snow shower coming our way. Waterproofs on & tackle the ascent of Stob Coire a Chairn. Clag time, then clear again with the cloud above the summits & the ridge still in view, but starting to look darker & meaner than before. Good views across to Glencoe & the Big Bookle.
The wind started up & just got steadily stronger as the day progressed with snow showers, hail showers & clag coming & going for the rest of the day.
The ascent of Am Bodach was tricky. It’s steep & had a fair covering of snow but not enough to kick into. Just enough to cover the ball bearing like gravel under foot. Think An Stuc, but worse.
It is difficult to get lost on a ridge, but we did have to take a bearing to get off Am Bodach as we could see heehaw & the path appears to be just off the ridge on the left.
The cloud lifted again & we could see Sgurr an Lubhar (the demoted one). Over we went fairly straight forword to Sgurr Choire a Mhail & then Oh ok here we are!
The next part was fairly nerve rattling with most people’s ‘ring of steall’ (cheers for the phrase Gammy) twitching. Slippery snow, very narrow ridge & the wind blowing! A bit of trouble finding the bypass around the trickiest bit, but that was no picnic in the conditions we had.
A great sense of relief & joy once across with the small matter of a knee deep in snow ascent of Sgurr a Mhaim.
Once off the broad ridge we shot down the scree section pretty quickly & looked for a sheltered spot for a last bite to eat before taking the path down to the lower car park. The wind getting stronger & the snow showers changing to rain as we dropped height.
A fantastic day a great walk & one I will certainly do again. Still buzzing & I know I’m not the only one.
Thanks to all my walking buddies whom I was with on the day. I’m sure they will want to add photos & comments.

- Out of the woods
- Take me to the Bridge!
- Crossing under the falls
- Heading for An Gearanach
- The Ben
- Summit An Gearanach
- Gearanach to Stob Coire a Chairn
- Am Bodach to Sgurr an Lubhar
- Sgurr an Lubhar, Stob Choire a Mhail & The Devils Ridge
- Stob Choire a Mhail, The Devils Ridge & Sgurr a Mhaim
- Team Shot An Gearanach
- An Garbtanach
- Slabs of An Garbtanach
- An Garbtanach, Nevis & CMD
- Summit Stob Coire a Chairn
- Am Bodach
- Clag walkers Am Bodach
- Summit Am Bodach
- Looking back An Gearanach to Am Bodach
- From Sgurr Choire a Mhail to Sgurr a Mhaim
- Here we go!
- Negotiating a small exposed chimney
- Mark at the end of The Devils Ridge
- Summit Sgurr a Mhaim
- Homeward Bound