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Another great day out in my local hills. The weather was excellent, sunny and warm. I set off my Langleeford near Wooler towards my first hill of the day, Cheviot Summit.
The track is well worn and very easy to follow all the way to the summit. On the way up the last hill of the day, Hedgehope loomed into view
and an excellent view towards the coast half way up Cheviot
Just under 2 hours of hard walking the summit Cairn came into view
A good place to stop for light refreshment and a sneaky coffee. I pushed on feeling full of energy once I had a bite to eat. The track is still easy to follow with excellent views all around the Cheviots including Windy Gyle
and on towards Cushat Law and Bloodybush edge
Once the base of Cheviot is reached the track goes down to the left into the valley, a faint track continues along the fence line, follow this but it gets extremely boggy from here on in until the summit of Hedgehope is reached. This slog took about 2 hours and I did consider giving up and heading into the valley. The Summit of Comb fell is by far the worst with no track visible and no summit cairn, with extended views of peat bog as far as the eye can see
, making walking hard going.
Half way up Hedgehope you are rewarded with a great view of Cheviot
and finally I reached the summit Cairn of Hedgehope and a well rewarded rest
I followed the path down and back into Langleeford in just under 6 hours. A good day in the hills all be it hard walking.