ref to the 'old man's traverse'
Yes you were right the 'getting onto Clach Glas' is not really a place that old Wilson would be comfortable with.....just about ok for an old man.....well it was three years ago

The step up onto a rightwards traverse, seemingly into problems that you can't quite see, resolves itself once you are round the corner into a slabby climb upwards, as if, onto the apex of the roof on a house.
Regarding the Eastern Red Hills.......Those Elsies are fine tops to visit, no disrespect to FG who spent a great deal of time reseaching and catalogueing and expanding the list of smaller hills.....but my older generation came to enjoy these 'wee hills', albeit a much, much shorter list. The more 'well know' of these are included along with the book of Cortbetts.....hence the Lesser Corbetts and for the fun loving the L.C's.
Someone on the Forum asked about the terrain down to the bealach coire Sgreamhach from Beinn Dearg Mhor. I saw this for the first time on Sunday

I thought at the time that there must be a Glamaig type race up here....the place is trashed? My thoughts were that it had to come from the Torrin direction

since none of the other tops in this group show any such devastation. In fact paths in the area are to be searched for.