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Broadlaw and others

Broadlaw and others

Postby GBrooks » Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:05 pm

Corbetts included on this walk: Broad Law

Donalds included on this walk: Broad Law, Cramalt Craig, Dollar Law, Talla Cleuch Head

Date walked: 11/08/2012

Time taken: 5.08 hours

Distance: 24.7 km

Ascent: 704m

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Parking on the side of Megget Reservoir follow the road upto towards the Megget Stone. Follow a quad bike track up to Fans Law and then the fence towardss Cairn Law. Contour round to get to the saddle between Cairn Law and Talla Cleugh Head. climb allong fence to Talla Cleugh Head. return and follow fence to top of Cairn Law and then easy walking to Broad Law. Descend past the radio masts and then climb Cramalt Craig and over Dun Law to the top of Dollar Law. Return and pick up the old Thiefs road between dollar Law and Fifescar Knowe follow this round the hill then cut across the moor to pick up a new road coming up from Cramalt burn valley to folow back to the Megget Water

Sunny intervals windy.
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