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I set off from Kinlochleven with the idea of heading up An Cumhann to Loch Eidle Mor but as always my navigational skills let me down as I had a tour around the Kinlochmore housing estates before finally finding the right path
The view back down Loch Leven from An Cumhann
Sgurr Eilde Mor hiding in the clouds in the distance
Not much of a view from the summit of Sgurr Eilde Mor
Out of the cloud looking down Coire a Bhinnein towards the next summit of Binnein Beag again hidden, doesn't look like the clouds are lifting as expected
At last a bit of blue sky made an appearance and Binnein Beag showed itself in all its glory
With Binnein Beag in the bag it was time to head for Binnein Mor via Sron a' Gharbh-Choire which looked like it will be an interesting scramble.
Looking back to Binnein Beag
The cloud base was still being kind as I reached Binnein Mor summit and had chance to look back along the route from Binnein Beag, the scramble was good fun and nothing too serious.
Time to head off for the last Munro of the day Na Gruagaichean which is easier to spell than pronounce!!
Just enough time to grab a view looking back to Binnein Mor before the mist descended again
Again the mist just clears enough to get a glimpse of the descent from Na Gruagaichean before the final little climb over point 1041
Looking down to Coire na Ba with Kinlochleven just visible in the distance
Finally the last view down Loch Leven from just above the Grey Mares Tail waterfall and the and of a cracking day out