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This was going to be my first "Wild Camp".... We found the ideal little spot along the river, which had been used many times before, going by the signs of the burnt grass (tut tut!)

....a short sharp shower of warm rain, just after the last peg was pushed into the ground caused mayhem........the midges from hell rose up from the ground, we inhaled them, choked on them, what is it about ears and eyelids that they like so much? Suffice to say, tent was unceremoniously ripped from the ground and we wore it back to the car!! booked into a lovely wee B&B!
- Wild Camp
So! up and refreshed with a lovely breakfast, off we went to Steall... I have to say, I was rather worried about the famous Steall "tightrope" bridge!! it turned out to be a childs playground, too many tourists for my liking! all playing on the bridge......I mean, playing? having fun? when there are serious hills out there to climb? already feeling nervous, I wasn't about to make a complete fool of myself, so I decided to cross the water, it was reasonably low, and no problem to cross, only my silly hesitation on one stone below the water caused one foot to become soaked, small price to pay, compared with falling from the bridge!!
- Steall Falls
- Tight Rope
- Dragon Fly.....Look Hard!
First hill of the day was An Gearnanach, a straightforward ascent, making good time and clear path to follow to the summit, views were stunning, weather perfect. Onwards we went to Stob Coire a Chairn, and still well pathed and easy to follow, from here, we were unsure as to whether to include An Bodach, the path clearly misses the summit of this Munro, and we were a little concerned about time, having left much later than intended in the morning (bit too comfy in the B&B!)
- The Route Ahead
- The Ridge!
- The "Tricky Bit"!
Executive decision was made, we stuck to the lower path and missed An Bodach. Onwards towards the "Devils Ridge" I was a little concerned about it beforehand, but no need, it was a dawdle (after some of the scarey stuff I have done lately!!) Views were magnificent, absolutely stunning, could see for miles and miles..... Wow! reminds me as to why I climb hills! So we got over Sgurr an Lubhar and Sgurr a Mhaim. By now, my feet were rubbing, one in particular (the one that got soaked earlier!!) But we were on the homeward straight now, and got down to be met by an abundance of Midges.........
Fort William Swimming Pool....Thanks for the Shower!!
Wild Camping? ......nae chance!