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Having fun on Farragon Hill

Having fun on Farragon Hill

Postby Tam Collie » Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:48 pm

Corbetts included on this walk: Farragon Hill, Meall Tairneachan

Date walked: 15/09/2012

Time taken: 5.5 hours

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Had a good day today wandering up a couple of hills just North of Aberfeldy. Not too far from home so not too much time in the car. The objective today was to visit Meall Tairneachan , have a look at the Barytes mine and then on to Farragon Hill.

It all started well, he parked the car in a good place and we crossed the B846 to wander up a forestry track just about the Foss Mine track. Unfortunately it didn't go very far and we ended up in the woods, great for me but not for him. Still we managed to bushwack through the trees to end up at the high point of the deer fence. From there we followed an old wall all the way up to the Western summit of Meall Tairneachan over some damp but not too boggy heather.

Moving to the summit and trig point we got some great views before moving on, electing to join the Foss track and visit the mine workings.Past the mine the road skirted the shoulder of a lower hill, loosing height as it did so before turning north and disappearing off down the Frenich Burn. We stopped here for lunch, Tuna sandwiches, watching deer and hares below us.
Approach to Farragon.JPG

The pull up Farragon Hill started over rough ground but was not long and we were rewarded with superb views East.
Looking East.JPG
Here we met up with Brian as we were leaving and walked back by the Foss track with him until he turned off towards his car left at Tornphubil, leaving us to continue down to the road..

That was it, apart from returning via Kenmore for a swim and clean. The waves on the beach were quite big today with the wind blowing straight down the loch.
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Tam Collie
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Re: Having fun on Farragon Hill

Postby Graeme D » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:57 pm

Nice one Tam! :thumbup:
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