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I'm sure MWIS showed 80% chance of cloud free Munros, this was the other 20% of the time
Parked about 9:30, it's very well maintained around here though there was only one other car parked. Track leads to the house and there's a path alongside which they recommend for walkers. House:

Then it's on up the path, again well maintained, until I got to the cairn marking the start of the muddy path up Na Cnanapan:

Mud & Loch Laggan:

Looking round & into the valley - can see the return path here running along the right hand side:

Up to a rocky bit, getting into the clag:

There are peat hags further up and several paths going around them and onwards, bit rocky in places.

Straight on up to the cairn at Carn Liath:

Was hoping the sun would burn through the clag, but it was not to be. There are paths to follow round the ridge:

Bit of descent to the ditch before Meall an t-Snaim:

Back up for some interestingly posed cairns:

Path with rocks:

Path with fence posts:

A cairn, which was probably the 2nd Munro of the day. It didn't feel like there was enough descent/reascent to justify 3 Munros on the ridge but who's complaining

After this, it was down to the window, which was a bit more interesting. Snow on the path up to Creag Meagaidh:

Followed the cliffs on the left for a bit, then realised this wasn't the way to the top so headed South-west instead. Big grassy plateau so would be easy to get lost in poor visibility (like today). I didn't pass Mad Meg's cairn so wasn't sure if this was the top or not:

Used GPS to find the way back to make sure I saw Mad Meg's. Unusual shape yet oddly comforting:

Back to the window, 2 paths lead to the right and both lead to the V at the bottom of the window:

Then a rocky descent, finally I was out of the clag so it was great to get a view of anything:

Saw the cliffs on the way down, pretty spectacular:

More cliffs:

Lochan, cliffs and the stony descent from the window on the right:

Return path, a really enjoyable walk back with no mud, deer high on the rocks either side, a decent path and great views back.

Met a guy from the nature trust when I got back who asked about deer on the hills, and there were tourists in a mini van taking photos of the Highland coos. Nice walk, better with views and would probably be a good one in snow.