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White Coomb and Lochcraig Head

White Coomb and Lochcraig Head

Postby meangarry » Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:17 pm

Corbetts included on this walk: White Coomb

Donalds included on this walk: Lochcraig Head , White Coomb

Date walked: 29/11/2012

Time taken: 5 hours

Distance: 11.2 km

Ascent: 805m

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An introduction to walking for Papabouba! Just a quick circular of Loch Skeen with some cracking views on the clearest day I have seen in the Moffat hills.
Upon reaching the snow topped summit of White Coomb which was to be Callum's first Corbett it became apparent that this was no ordinary day out. The air was so clear that the mountain ranges of the highlands were visible. I think this first picture shows Ben Lawers, any better guesses are appreciated. Its taken from White Coomb looking north west over Great hill.
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Far off mountains over great hill.

Looking south the sun was glistening of the snow covered tops of the lakes with Skiddaw looking fantastic.
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The lake district and Skiddaw

Callum aka Papabouba was having a very lucky first hike!
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Papabouba's first Corbett

We set off around the loch towards our next target of Lochcraig Head and I snapped a moody shot of Colin.
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Colins silhouette
After stopping for lunch and lemon tea in Colins case :? we made the top of the hill and had more great views.
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Loch Skeen
Fortunately for us the frost had de boggified the boggy side of the loch and we were safely down in no time. A good walk and I think Callum has the bug already...

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Re: White Coomb and Lochcraig Head

Postby The Rodmiester » Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:37 pm

Hi meangarry, looks a fine wee circuit :) , hate your second photograph :( (windfarm) but your second last one is a cracker :D
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Re: White Coomb and Lochcraig Head

Postby meangarry » Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:49 pm

We have plenty windfarms down our way rod, I don't mind them too much though. None of them were working on this day as there was barely a breath of wind. I wonder what percentage of the time they actually produce? Given that not enough or too much wind stops them from working. :?
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Re: White Coomb and Lochcraig Head

Postby The Rodmiester » Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:13 pm

meangarry wrote:We have plenty windfarms down our way rod, I don't mind them too much though. None of them were working on this day as there was barely a breath of wind. I wonder what percentage of the time they actually produce? Given that not enough or too much wind stops them from working. :?

Sorry to hear that, I'm a WF hater I'm afraid :( , what's the point in putting up these monstrosities if they don't work half the time :crazy: , ie wind determined, it's time wave power was progressed at least then they would not need back up and they don't ruin the beautiful landscapes we have. That's me blowing my top again, sorry! It's funny how we have all grown to accept pylons though. Look forward to seeing your next windfarm free report :lol:
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