Gordie12 wrote:Time to move on to pastures new!!! From all your reports you seem to have enjoyed doing the Angus "wee" hills!
This was a close up of Balintore House a few years ago, at the time I couldn't see anyone taking it on as it was in one hell of a mess.
Balintore House 10.jpg
Just trying to decide whether to head in to Glen Isla tomorrow, your conditions seemed OK.
Good photograph of Balintore Castle

, don't fancy waking up to see a bloody Windfarm out the bedrom window

, what are Angus Council thinking of! Very wet snow, the amount of water run off was something else. Boots will take some drying out. Dinnae bother with the Hill of Wirren, you won't be seen again, the peat hags will swallow you up