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Piping on Ben Vorlich

Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby munrobagpiper » Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:16 pm

Munros included on this walk: Ben Vorlich (Loch Lomond)

Date walked: 26/02/2013

Time taken: 4 hours

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The weather, as we all know, has been fantastic! Perfect weather for the hills, and having climbed two previously this week, I was desperate to get out again.

I was working in Bearsden at 5pm in a bar, and my alarm had failed to go off, and I woke about 9am, and thought I would not have time to get up Ben Vorlich in time to get back for work. Having been in a similar sitation just a week previously when climbing Narnain, I decided to just go for it.

I made it to Inveruglas car park for 11am, all packed up with my pipes and kilt, ready to bagpipe another Munro.

Ben Vane behind Sloy Power station

As I started the walk up the single track path, I met one of the workers at the power station, who wished me luck, but informed me several walkers hadnt made the top recently. I carried on anyway, to see how far I could get. I was taking in all the surroundings, Vane and Vorlich either side, and the Dam up ahead, it was fantastic. I had to be careful not to miss the cairn I was told about which led to a decent path up Vorlich though.

Heading towards the Dam

I found the path, and started my ascent. I have found I prefer these more direct routes, where ground is gained my rapidly. Due to a condition with my calves, longer, gradual ascents are tougher. Height was gained very quickly, and after an hour I could sense I was getting close to the top.

Hitting the snow

As the snow became more abundant, obviously the temperature dropped also. The sun shining off the snow made for some fantastic views. Once I reached the top, the wind had picked up, and almost turned me blue, but i was as determined as ever to get this Munro not only bagged, but bagPIPED. I met an more seasoned walker at the top, and told him of my plan, but there was no offer to help with the photography, so I set about finding good spots for my timer. I eventually got the camera set, but there was only time for one video at the true peak, and a couple photos at the trig point, as the wind just didnt allow my hands or mouth to work! Its almost like the bagpipes arent designed for playing 3000ft above sea level!!

Looking over Loch Lomond from the trig point

I would have loved to get better quality videos and pictures on such a beautiful day, but the disadvantages of doing these hills solo became apparent.

not apologising for keeping my leggings on, it was FREEZING!!! haha

With work awaiting me, I made a quick descent, making it to the car for 3.30. I was in good time, until I hit a half hour traffic jam beside Cameron house. After a stressful "will I make it" journey, I managed to get a shower, and be on the bar ready to start bang on 5! Not a minute to spare. Now that is what I call making maximum use of time available! An 8 hour shift awaited me. But with plans to head to Bridge of Orchy the next day, I was able to mentally get through it.
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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby one way ticket » Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:48 pm

Fair play and well done to you sir. As I piper myself and newby munro bagger, I salute you. It must have been hard going getting the fingers going in those conditions. I climbed Ben Vane myself last weekend and know how tricky that was, I am planning to do Ben Vorlich next weekend. It was hard enough getting up Vane with myself and kit and I am relatively fit. so to follow that up with a set of pipes on Vorlich or any of the mountains I've seen you report on deserves a big well done.

Keep up the good work. :clap:
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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby gammy leg walker » Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:03 am

Fine effort once again long may you continue piping.
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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby GloriousLife » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:25 pm

Dear Piping Person,

I love that you bring you pipes for your hikes. And I read your post on Ben Vorlich.
I have a question and it is this: did you hike in and out in 1 day? I am traveling to Scotland this
summer and have a good list of monroes to hike. I am so looking forward to my trip.

I am brushing up on my skills but while I do that, on the website WalkHighlands, they say this
walk is 5 - 6-1/2 hours and it shows one trail.
So dear piper, do they mean 5 - 6-1/2 hours there an back? I am only doing day hikes this trip and
will not be bringing a tent to Scotland.

I really appreciate your reply if you are still around this website.

Many thanks ~ will hear your pipes in my dreams.

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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby helenw » Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:51 pm

Hi Liz
The times on the walk descriptions on Walkhighlands are for the full walk (there and back) unless its for a linear walk when it will say that its just for one way. Enjoy your trip.
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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby teaandpies » Sat May 02, 2015 6:48 pm

Would anybody recommend walking this hill by starting the climb from the nasty looking transformer station?
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Re: Piping on Ben Vorlich

Postby luvsctlnd » Sat May 02, 2015 9:34 pm

LOVE your determination! Congrats on this great piece of work and then making it to work on time! Cheers from Montana!
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