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Well folks didn't do a report for Sgiath Chuil since to be honest we had sod all pictures and to be more honest I dont think you all want to read about EVERY Munro me and Mrs Mac do
However this one, Ben Vorlich (Loch Sloy) was the alleged;y unlucky number 13 so I thought I'd bore you further
*** Spoiler alert ... there were no fights with Sherpa's or anyone else, and I don't think I offended anyone .. I don't think! ....***
Anyhoo.. up as usual about 7.30 to be out the door for 8.30 .. almost nailed that out in an hour thing , Up to Invurglas, parked at the cafe car park (getting busy already) and headed for the walk in.
Headed up the road saying hello as they passed to two lads dressed in Red with 2 dogs, one still a puppy no doubt loving these walks!.. More about them later.
Following the path we arrived at the wee cairn marking the path and turned to head up Ben Vorlich. And UP we went.. and up some more, then a little more, up further, wee bit more up ... right seriously !
Coffee stop !
Then.. the wind picked up .. followed closely by the rain - hello April! At this point my lack of energy this particular morning coupled with worsening weather were not making for a happy hill.. was this the curse of the 13?
Anyway Mrs Mac (uncommonly) spurred me on so .. on we went.. working our way more NW we were now met with the first flurries of snow... at about 600m of what was becoming one of the most relentless inclines I have experienced yet

Have to say looking back if the weather had been nice this may not have been so bad but in current conditions I weren't loving it!
Right that's in lunch break! Got into a wee dip , shielded from the worst of it and a nice coffee, roll and a cliff bar soon made life a bit more bearable.. right lets nail this!
Obligatory snap of Loch Sloy Dam (I did say Biscuit tin!)
- Loch Sloy Dam
Wound our way up through the more craggy points passed a few interesting caves/crevasses and up through the rocky gate to the 800m point.
Now the wind was getting much stronger, its sound incredible as it moved around the crags - the gods were really making No.13 tough on us but we forged on (sorry getting all clash of the Titans for a minute!).
Waterproofs, gloves, hat, 3 layers.. you sure its April??
As we covered the last 140 metres or so of ascent there was far more snow but a really interesting summit plateaus of crags and dips - very different to the ascent - the limited visibility and wind was making it very atmospheric so on we pushed . As we approached the rise up to the first Cairn we met a family and a dog coming down who said " aye the winds picking up a bit around the summit".. you weren't kidding!
As we finally arrived at the South Trig the snow/hail/rain was now horizontal and the wind was gusting hard!
- South Summit (Its me I promise!)
Anyway quick snap there then onto the North (true) summit.. now the snow/ice/hail/rain was like cold sandblasting so on went the buff to try and protect my cheeks - I'd have killed for Goggles - Again April!!??
Summit cairn in sight.. burst of energy and we are there! 13 in the Bag! In your face Munro gods!!
Summit snaps, summit snaps of group that arrived just after us then a quick look at the view.. oh.. what view! clag to about 20 feet! Right head off and home!!
- Mrs Mac at North Cairn
- Yours Truly at Summit
Great views momentarily on the way down though
- Cracking View back to Lomond
Walked down, slipped as much as walked and arrived back at the road around 3.30 to hear a Helicopter.. Watched it come in from Loch Lomond then return and focus in on Ben vane.. as we approached the bridge that splits off to the Ben Vane route we met a whole team of Mountain Rescue lads, police etc..
I didn't want to ask too much but they told me someone had fallen on Ben Vane.. I'm hoping whoever it was is ok and did wonder if it was one of the lads in red we had met on the way in.. any info appreciated.
As we reached the exit gates though we were treated to a lovely rainbow over Loch Lomond , maybe as reward for pushing on despite the awful weather, MRT aside maybe Vorlich wasnt so unlucky for us after all.
- Somewhere over the....
Anyhoo thanks for reading